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Pet Peeves of the Day

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  • Pet Peeves of the Day

    Just as the title says. Here goes:

    DON'T throw all your merchandise onto the counter, and expect me to just KNOW that you have two separate orders and where the first order ends and the second begins. If you do this, definitely do not get angry with me because I have to start over, since you failed to mention this to begin with.

    DON'T just wander off while I'm in the middle of ringing you're order, especially when we're as insanely busy as we were today and are every Saturday.

    If you are going to hand me a wad of money from your pocket, at least attempt to straighten it out first. DON'T just throw it on the counter and walk off.

    GET OFF YOUR CELL PHONE! Enough said.

    If it's raining and storming outside, I will cover your items to keep them from getting wet. One layer of plastic is really all that is needed. I'm sorry, but no matter how hard it's raining, you DON'T need 15 plastic bags on your pack of pencils.

    DO watch your children. DON'T send them off to play in the craft store free-for-all just because it's raining out.

    And this one is for managers: It's called planning! DON'T work all your employees to death in the beginning of the week, and then tell everyone not to come in on Saturday, which is usually our busiest day. Today the hells opened up with customers, and yet we only had three people on the floor, all three of which spent most of their shift helping at the registers, leaving no one out in the store. And yet, they were still sending people home early so they wouldn't get overtime.

    That is all. I've probably forgotten some, but I'm tired.

  • #2
    How bout a few of these to add...

    DON'T hand me a $100 bill first thing in the morning...

    DO look at the prices tags, and don't lie to me when it doesn't come out how you want.

    DON'T stop and chat with a friend you see walk by before you pay for your items, if they really want to talk to you they will wait, you are holding everyone else behind you up.

    DON'T ask me to take an item off after I have completed your order, take it to customer service sense I have no authority to do refunds.

    DO plan ahead, if you only have $20, don't go over it and act like it's my fault...

    I always ask for a DL if you write a check, so don't acted all surprised when I say I have to see it, store policy people

    I had a bad day... SC flooded me today of all days...


    • #3
      That bad eh hon?

      I posted about our favorite co-worker!!!

      Don't worry, I had the SC that tried to make a spectacle about me walking over to finish bagging his order. How was I supposed to know he was already finished? There were more groceries there.


      • #4
        Here's a list to add:

        -There is a sign at the drives that say how much it is to park, don't be so shocked when I tell you the price.
        -Look at your pass and check the sign for the lot you are trying to go into, it isn't difficult.
        -Do not threaten me saying you know the owner and will get me fired.
        -Do not honk at me and yell at me for help when I'm busy with a customer.
        -A city society card will not get you into VIP.
        -Same goes with a cop badge, you're off duty.
        -Don't even bother trying to get my last name.
        -Do not swear at me in a foreign language because I will do likewise.
        -Turn down your music so you can hear me.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #5
          Quoth Craftstoreslave
          If it's raining and storming outside, I will cover your items to keep them from getting wet. One layer of plastic is really all that is needed. I'm sorry, but no matter how hard it's raining, you DON'T need 15 plastic bags on your pack of pencils.
          That rain was so annoying today and I too had those customers asking for a bazillion bags for a tee shirt. I'd double bag the stuff, but then they want a bigger bag. Then, they want another bag to use as an umbrella or whatever. The store already seems to have a darn bag shortage and all these people asking for bags isn't helping the situation. Busy Saturdays and rain=horrible day. (Ugh and I got caught in the rain coming to work and traffic was horrible!)

          Here's my pet peeves for the day:

          - Don't argue with me about the tax free junk. I already explained the rules. That dress was over fifty dollars and no amount of whining is going to bring the price down so you can get it tax free.

          - There's a line, people! When I direct you to the line, don't get pissy with me. (I actually gave up trying to get everyone into one line at one point and told a group to argue it out and I would take whoever was left. People just don't listen!)

          - Don't get angry with me when your merchandise doesn't ring up at the right price. Honestly, it's not my fault. Just hold your horses and I'll get someone to double check the sign.


          • #6
            ~DO have a pen & paper handy when you ask for information that you probably won't remember otherwise;

            ~DONT unplug your computer when I've told you we need to troubleshoot your modem problems;

            ~DONT scream & yell at me because you forgot to pay your bill & your services were turned off. What did you expect??
            The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


            • #7
              A pet peeve that my slaesfloor co-irkers like to pull

              High rises are for mass quantities of merchandise. They are not for stashing ones and twos of items you don't feel like backstocking or can't find on the salesfloor.

              Ideally, we are only supposed to have one or two different kinds of merchandise on a high rise, 3 at the absolute most. Some of our high rises have 4 or 5 different kinds of merchandise on them, and in some cases only one of the item is on the high rise.

              Believe it or not, corporate expects our high rises to kept neat. They do check on them whenever they visit, and if they think our high rises look too out of hand, they can tell us we have to take EVERY SINGLE product on high rises down, and backstock them all in the backroom. We have neither the time nor the backroom space to do this. And it's not an empty threat. People from other stores have told me they had to take down all their high rises because they looked crappy.

              If I have to backstock all this stuff that was on high rises (because the salesfloor people sure as hell won't be the ones doing it), I will become rather upset. And by "upset", I mean "homicidal".
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                * If you think that we're too busy to close checkouts, how about you volunteer to keep them open? We can't just wave a magic wand and have more cashiers appear.
                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                My DeviantArt.


                • #9
                  My biggest peeve has to be people messing up my displays and/or leaving something where it doesn't belong.

                  I've seen it time and time again..somebody buys a bunch of rolls or bread from the bread aisle, moseys over to the bakery, sees our baked breads or rolls, decides they want those instead, but rather then walk 10 feet back to the bread aisle to put the original stuff back, they just leave it in the bakery !

                  I want to slap these people silly, I swear to Goddess. A good portion of my shift is spent clearing up after these inconsiderate assholes. And when somebody leaves something not even TWO feet from it's proper place...well, that REALLY makes me think homicidal thoughts.

                  But hey, have it your way folks. The more time I have to spend cleaning up after you, the less time I have for customer service. Your choice.


                  • #10
                    I could write an endless list of things customers do that drive me bonkers, but I think cell phones are my biggest peeve right now.
                    It's bad enough when someone comes up to the checkout blabbing away, but when I'm in the middle of the transaction and THEN they start dialing just blows my mind.
                    I mean, I'm 30 seconds from sending you on your way and you can't wait that amount of time to call your best friend Abigail just to say, "What's up, girlfriend?!"
                    (Yeah, that actually happened.)
                    And I'm not sure the patient of the one customer (who was obviously a therapist of some sort) would appreciate knowing that she was counseling him while checking out at my register. I know more about this guy (even his name, for God's sake) than his momma because his doctor was just going on and on about his problems...

                    One lady came in to shop the other day and was in the store for an hour or more; she was on the phone when she walked in and she was still yacking when she left. She forgot some merchandise she bought (hmm, I wonder why...?) and ended up having to return for it several hours later. Guess what? Yep, when she came back, she was on her phone.

                    "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


                    • #11
                      just because people at another store make your drink a certain way, don't expect us to know it as well. don't pitch a bitch at me because 'they always do x' there doesn't mean that they're making it to standard. extras are exactly that; extras. anything 'extra' also has, get this, an EXTRA charge.

                      don't look down your nose at me; retail worker doesn't equal village idiot, although, from your behavior, i'm beginning to expect a call asking us to return YOU.

                      yes, i can read, contrary to what you might think; if it's on the cup, it's in the drink. if it's not there, don't pitch a fit over it; i don't read minds, and if i could, why in hell would i be here wasting such a valuable talent?
                      look! it's ghengis khan!
                      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                      • #12
                        Quoth Demonoid Phenomenon
                        I could write an endless list of things customers do that drive me bonkers, but I think cell phones are my biggest peeve right now.
                        I agree, same here. Cell phones drive me mad. Some people will come into the store on their phone, wander around, up and down the aisles, look at nothing yacking away and then leave. Granted they didn't really do anything, but they talk loud enough that I have to listen to their conversation. What really gets me is if they want help, and they're still on their phone.
                        If you need to talk on the phone, take it outside. . .
                        Same with kids, if the child is screaming, crying, throwing a hissy fit, whatever, take them outside . . . then come back in. Don't just sit their and ignore it and continue your shopping.
                        This area is left blank for a reason.


                        • #13
                          A couple of my biggest pet peeves:

                          - Answer the phreaking question that I asked you with an answer that makes sense. If I ask you if the modem connects directly to the wall and you answer with "I haven't touched anything", then you've just told me a jack-load of nothing and I'm going to have to ask again.

                          - When I ask a "closed-ended" question (i.e. a question with a very short or one-word answer - the most common are "yes or no" questions), and you answer with five minutes of information, then you have failed the test. Go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.00. Along these same lines, when I ask an "open-ended" question (opposite of "closed-ended") and you answer with one word, you've failed the test again.

                          - When I answer the phone, just like Sgt. Friday what I need is "Just the facts." Saying things like "I can't get online" or "My TV is fuzzy" is sufficient information for me to make sure you're in the right department and I can help you. If you go much further than that, you will likely need to repeat just about all of it, if for no other reason than I'm mean.

                          - Don't tell me that you don't know what's causing the problem or ask me if it's affecting the whole area. First of all, I know you don't know what's causing it because if you did chances are you'd have the equipment, know-how, and wherewithal to fix it yourself and would not have called me. Second, I want to get you off the phone as quickly as possible. If it turns out to be an outage in the area, rest assured I will tell you after gathering the minimal information to determine that. And, no, it's nearly impossible for the entire internet to be down, and if it were affecting all of our subscribers chances are you'd have just gotten a busy signal when you tried to call.

                          I have lots more, but those are my biggest peeves....


                          I left out a couple that irk me to no end:

                          - Do not interrupt me. Never. Ever. This is how a conversation works: First you talked while I listened, now it's my turn to talk while you listen. Most of the time, what I'm on the verge of saying will answer the question you interrupted me to ask. Besides, how do you expect the issue to ever be taken care of if I don't have a hot second to talk, and didn't your mother/grandma/teacher/whoever teach you better than that?

                          - Do what I ask you to do when I ask you to do it. I do not have the benefit of seeing what's on your screen, and the holes in the phone are too small to see what you're doing. I'm having to do this from memory, and if you go off on a tangent you will screw up my train of thought, making me have to duplicate things or start over. Besides, if you know so much that you can fix it yourself, why did you call me? Along these same lines, unless I ask you what you've already done, don't tell me you've already tried something like it's the end of your world if you have to unplug the modem and plug it back in. If it made a difference, I'd have already asked, and chances are, I'll ask you to do it again just because I don't like your tone of voice (or, more to the point, I need to test something or see what something is trying to do before I can decide on the best course of action).
                          Last edited by phillippbo; 07-26-2006, 12:34 AM.
                          ...don't you know the first law of physics? "Anything that's fun costs at least $8.00."
                          - Cartman

