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Thank you for your complaint!

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  • Thank you for your complaint!

    Dear Mr. Pink,

    Thank you for your complaint. We here at the Blah Inn appreciate a chance to correct anything our guests might find unsatisfactory about our property. As such, let us first apologize that you awoke to find "bugs and hair" crawling on you.

    It is our understanding that you became ill from your stay with us, that you remain ill, and a doctor confirms it. We apologize that you have spent close to a month and a half now sick from the crawling hair. We further understand that even though you brought your own blanket into the room to sleep beneath, and that you also told the manager you were too drunk to complain about the condition of the room when you first began your stay, we take full responsibility.

    The complaint that you lodged with the Henderson County Health Department was that we never change our sheets, and that guests are sleeping on sheets that have been used by up to ten sets of previous guests. The health department was kind enough to send an inspector to our property this morning, and the experience was quite valuable. We learned, for example, that had we cleaned our ice machines with bleach as we had planned to do last week -- although we never got around to it -- our health score would have jumped by five points. As it was, the health inspector was forced to only increase our score by a single point, from 93 to 94. We sincerely regret that we were not able to score a 98 instead.

    As you may be aware, any score from 90 to 100 is an A.

    At any rate, Mr. Pink, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience you might have experienced during your stay with us. Although, in all honesty, it is likely that the only bugs and hair that were crawling upon you were the same that always crawl under your skin when you get the whiskey shakes. Please understand that you will not be receiving a single red cent of refund and that the Henderson County Health Department takes a dim view of frivolous complaints. Please further understand that if we see you on our property, either in the building or in the parking lot, ever again we will have you arrested for trespassing.

    Again, thank you for bringing your issues to our attention, and for providing us with the chance to correct the problem.

    Blah Inn of Hendersonville

    PS: Do you tip?
    Drive it like it's a county car.

  • #2
    What a dumbass. Guess you gave HIM a tip this time!
    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


    • #3
      Was Mr. Pink the character in Reservoir Dogs who didn't tip? I bring it up because in this case names have not been changed to protect the stupid.
      Drive it like it's a county car.


      • #4
        lol. Oh man, that reminds me of all my years in Hotels. I worked at the front desk in a hotel for 4 years.

        Have to say, that job was the most enjoyable I've ever had. Even with the crazy people trying to jump over the desk when I refused to give them their damage deposit back (it's called a damage deposit for a reason, dammit. And if you wake up three rooms around you with noise all night, have a screaming fist fight with your girl in the middle of the night, sell drugs out of your room and the police have to come to your door, you are NOT getting back your $150 damage deposit). And with the number of times the police had to be called. The hookers pulled into the rooms. Etc.

        It was still the most enjoyable job I've ever had. The coworkers were fantastic and fun, we had a really good time, most of the guests were so nice, and would even just stop by to chat. I received so many compliments about me, even little notes sent to the manager, thank you notes posted on the boards....

        I miss it. To bad you can't live on $8.33 an hour.


        • #5
          Quoth Moirae
          I miss it. To bad you can't live on $8.33 an hour.
          $16.50 here in Ottawa. Maybe it depends on what level of hotel you try for.

          HHNC, you sooo have to send that to the client!
          WWJND - "What Would JAM Not Do?" - Fashion Lad


          • #6
            Quoth Moirae
            To bad you can't live on $8.33 an hour.
            Is that before taxes are taken out? I make $8.20/hr. before taxes, and I'm doing pretty OK. (Even for living in NJ )
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Quoth Hotelboy
              $16.50 here in Ottawa. Maybe it depends on what level of hotel you try for.
              Yeah, but isn't that about the same as $8.33 American?

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."

