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"Change the colour of your bags! They don't match the decor of my kitchen!"

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  • #16
    (why is the little OT smiley upset . . .?)

    Anyway, back on the off course . . .

    My husband used to tape cigarette cartons to the wall, apparently he did it so well and lined them up so perfectly, that it looked like wallpaper. Threw a lotta people for a loop that did.

    Back to the topic,

    So . . . I hope the higher ups didn't cave into her demand or anything. Give her a free gift certificate or anything. I hope she didn't decorate her entire kitchen around those plastic bags.
    This area is left blank for a reason.


    • #17
      Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
      (why is the little OT smiley upset . . .?)
      maybe because the woman was so bent out of shape over the color of the bags. honestly, when i read that i didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
      Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


      • #18
        Quoth MadMike View Post
        OMG, I can't believe I get that! It's only because my wife watches that show. I did happen to see the fiasco that involved gluing straw to the walls.
        Hildi is the worst person on that show. I don't think I've ever seen anyone like her work. The only one *I* likes was one where she did the room in brown tones. It was nice and elegant, but the woman practically got on her knees and begged "no brown" "I don't like brown" "Brown is the color I hate the most".

        So what did she do? Everything in brown.

        The one where she glued straw to the walls...WHAT THE [CENSORED] WAS SHE THINKING?!? The home had a young child in it (picking and eating anything it could get it's grubby little protuberances on) with severe allergies.

        Honestly the only reason she is still on the show is so there will be conflict.

        I want to be on that show and have Hildi work on my house. I'll chug a bottle of Syrup of Ipecac before the reveal so I can, on camera and while Hildi is watching, look at the room and hurl to put Linda Blair to shame.
        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


        • #19
          My wife and I keep some of the plastic bags from Publix, Best Buy, Target, etc. and many are in several different colors. We have beige, yellow, white, sometimes green, and only use them for the cat litter, and sometimes for the soiled diapers. We don't care if they match the kitchen, let alone the bathrooms.

          What does this lady use the bags for? Maybe she can't afford a trash can, so she uses these bags for her trash.


          • #20
            Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
            Hildi is the worst person on that show. I don't think I've ever seen anyone like her work. The only one *I* likes was one where she did the room in brown tones. It was nice and elegant, but the woman practically got on her knees and begged "no brown" "I don't like brown" "Brown is the color I hate the most".

            So what did she do? Everything in brown.
            I remember that one. The poor woman was in tears over it.

            I actually didn't see the "cardboard" one, but my wife told me about it. Said she even made cardboard furniture.

            I've seen some wonderful makeovers on that show, but I don't know if I'd trust them to do my house. Not just for the reason you mentioned, but also because none of them seem to understand the idea of respecting the wishes of the homeowner, especially when they say "Don't do anything with the ceiling fans." Apparently the show's crew has some kind of aversion to them.
            Sometimes life is altered.
            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
            Uneasy with confrontation.
            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


            • #21
              I liked the one where she glued wine bottle labels over the (was he a pastor?) kitchen walls. The couple didn't even drink. And the labels were black. I'm sure they also enjoyed the wine rack she made them!


              • #22
                I just have a hildi question real quick...

                Is she the one who painted the blue and white striped sofa BLACK and painted lil flowers on it? The one that the owner said "PLZ PLZ PLZ don't touch it belonged to my grandmother it has sentimental value!!!"

                I painted my soon to be new bedroom myself. it now looks like the backdrop used on my favorite Sailor Moon artbook. Sometimes it's better to do it yourself.

                This show should have a disclaimer "Don't try this at home."
                Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                • #23
                  Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
                  I just have a hildi question real quick...

                  Is she the one who painted the blue and white striped sofa BLACK and painted lil flowers on it? The one that the owner said "PLZ PLZ PLZ don't touch it belonged to my grandmother it has sentimental value!!!"

                  I painted my soon to be new bedroom myself. it now looks like the backdrop used on my favorite Sailor Moon artbook. Sometimes it's better to do it yourself.

                  This show should have a disclaimer "Don't try this at home."
                  She has a tendency to paint odd things (anybody remember when she painted a carpet some tacky color like bright pink...? Or was it orange?). So, it was probably her.

                  Lace Neil, I didn't mean to start a Trading Places hijack!

                  "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


                  • #24
                    Although, to be fair, she also did a room where she put in a fabulous floor and left pretty much the rest of the room alone, because it sucked up so much of the budget.

                    I think she'd probably be a more fun designer if she had more $$ to work with.

                    That being said, I think I'd rather have the supergay asian guy be my designer.


                    • #25
                      I was relating this tale to a friend who works on Customer services at <supermarket with fluorescent orange bags>.

                      She told me that it's not just one store getting these complaints and showed me the comment cards from our store. They have had 5 complaints of the bags not matching the kitchen. 3 complaints of them not matching the car interiors, and one bill from a customer who bought new seat covers for her car so that the bags would match!

                      If I hadn't seen the cards with my own eyes, I would never have believed her!


                      • #26
                        Quoth MadMike View Post
                        I've seen some wonderful makeovers on that show, but I don't know if I'd trust them to do my house. Not just for the reason you mentioned, but also because none of them seem to understand the idea of respecting the wishes of the homeowner, especially when they say "Don't do anything with the ceiling fans." Apparently the show's crew has some kind of aversion to them.
                        I rarely watch the show anymore, but my SO does watch it from time to time. What about the episode where the homeowners one request was that the folks didn't touch the brick fire place? I think Doug was the designer on that one. The lady freaking lost it and was super pissed at her friends.

                        I actually thought the room looked better and very elegant. It did look much, much better and kind of "modernized" the room a great deal. Really though, if the owners ask you not to mess with one thing, is it really that hard to leave it be?


                        • #27
                          Quoth Girly View Post
                          I liked the one where she glued wine bottle labels over the (was he a pastor?) kitchen walls. The couple didn't even drink. And the labels were black. I'm sure they also enjoyed the wine rack she made them!
                          I actually thought that was a cool idea, but it has to be for the right person. I wouldn't mind something like that if it was a little brighter. Someone who doesn't even drink? Dumb.

                          The one with the fireplace - was that the one where they built the thing over it that could be removed? I remember that. I liked it better too. But at least it wasn't something they couldn't change easily.

                          It always pissed me off when they started to do something with a piece the people specifically said "Don't Touch." I always cheered the friends when they refused to let them do it. I think if I had something I wanted to make sure they didn't touch, I'd take it out of the room first.

                          I always wanted the Asian guy to do my room too. He always does such simple, calming designs. I'm not into feng shui but he always gets that vibe. I usually like the redhead (Laurie?) too.
                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                          • #28
                            Quoth Linda View Post
                            I was relating this tale to a friend who works on Customer services at <supermarket with fluorescent orange bags>.

                            She told me that it's not just one store getting these complaints and showed me the comment cards from our store. They have had 5 complaints of the bags not matching the kitchen. 3 complaints of them not matching the car interiors, and one bill from a customer who bought new seat covers for her car so that the bags would match!

                            If I hadn't seen the cards with my own eyes, I would never have believed her!
                            OK, now I'm laughing my arse off. Maybe these people ought to create a support group?
                            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                            My DeviantArt.

