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Words you hate to hear.

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  • #61
    Whenever I work overnight shift (weekends) and I get LOTS of customers asking if we're still open. Sure, we're closed and we just feel like not locking the front doors and having a checklane light on. And did you not see in HUGE lit-up blue letters "OPEN 24 HOURS"? Idiots...

    I also don't like customers who claim "I pay your salary" or "You must be thrilled to see the store so busy!", but luckily I very seldom get them. Folks, I get the same low hourly part-time rate no matter what. It's corproate/management that benefits from having lots more customers; we the rank-and-file employees get nothing.


    • #62
      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post

      ugh, the "why?" people...what are you, 2 years old?
      Why? Because. Why? Because. But why? BECAUSE!!!
      I have the ultimate answer to that. Look on Google you stupid customer!!!!!

      More words I hate to hear:

      "I'm friends with the owner."

      "I'm on the guest list." When said in a snooty tone of voice.

      "Listen buddy..."

      And any name that ranges from boss, champ, and chief.
      Last edited by ArenaBoy; 04-05-2007, 02:50 AM. Reason: Quotes
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #63
        Quoth ArenaBoy View Post

        "Listen buddy..."

        And any name that ranges from boss, champ, and chief.
        "Thanks, HONEY" (or sweetheart, sweetie, etc.) Unless you are my boyfriend (which you're not cuz I don't have one) or a sweet little old lady, NO!
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #64
          I hate almost every word I hear while at work but these are the ones I hate the most:

          SC: "I NEED to get into the fitting room."
          (You may want to get into the fitting room but you certainly don't NEED to.)

          Cashier: "The customer says it's buy one get one free."
          (Forget what the customer says...what does the freakin ad say?)

          Manager: "I don't care how much they cut your hours...every rack has to be coordinated and every table folded."
          (I'm covering 3 depts, letting SCs into the fitting rooms every 2 minutes, answering two-three phones that ring non-stop and putting away returns all ain't gonna happen.)
          Retail Haiku:
          Depression sets in.
          The hellhole is calling me ~
          I don't want to go.


          • #65
            The words a receptionist hate to hear:

            "Hi, it's me again"
            -as said by someone I don't remember seeing round here ever

            "I come here so often I don't need the visitor ID"
            -see above

            "Hehe, you're here all the time."
            -8 hours a day, 5 days a week isn't "all the time".

            "You were here the last time I was here"
            -this may shock you, but I work here.

            "Do you live here?"
            -awww, so sweet of you trying to be funny.Please don't try that ever again.

            "Coffee, croissants, catering, lunches"
            -never mind that we have a restaurant here that deals with those things, let me just get you those things from the secret kitchen that's located in my garbage bin

            "The toilet's clogged"
            -fibers, anyone?

            "It smells like s**t in the elevator" (yes, I've been given this crucial piece of information)

            "Do you really work for the security?"
            -nah, I just killed the real security guy and stole his suit.

            "Are you gonna cuff me?"
            -yes, with your intestines that I'm going rip out, you perv

            +the usual "nee-eeed", "no", "why", "me me me" etc.


            • #66
              Here's another vote for "Yeah, but...."

              I do volunteer work at a convention helping run things in the computer room (it's a gaming convention) and we get people who start off with "yeah, but..." and they get cut off every time. We don't even bother letting them finish, because we know they just want to get out of following the rules. But we make the rules and we have the authority to enforce said rules, and no "yeah, but..." is ever going to change that.

              Quoth alexdsoso View Post
              you COULD just go and get a walmart greeter job or something.
              [OT] Depressingly enough, not always. I couldn't get hired at any of the lower-end jobs. I got turned down by McDonald's, of all places. I was "over-qualified" for everything that didn't require experience, and "under-experienced" for everything I had the qualifications for. The only jobs I've ever gotten were through friends of friends, or agency listings.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #67
                Quoth Retail Associate View Post

                SC: "I NEED to get into the fitting room."
                (You may want to get into the fitting room but you certainly don't NEED to.)
                Somehow I get the feeling people who say they need to use the fitting room have it confused with the restroom.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #68
                  "You sold me this three months ago! Don't you remember me?" (Sure, I have a photogenic memory!)

                  "You sound like the last person I just hung up with." (We all have the same voices here, although my name is different from the previous person you spoke to)

                  "I need a person who speaks Spanish!" (But, you're speaking perfect English!)

                  "Your bill is not right!" (But, sir, it has your name on it, not mine!)

                  "Hold on! My call waiting is going off and I'm expecting an important call" (No, sir, I cannot hold on being I have important calls to take care of, too.")


                  • #69
                    Phrases I hate (theres a lot and I won't be offended if you don't read 'em all )

                    'do you know what I'm looking for?' (and then they wait for an answer!)
                    'can you help me?' (probably, but I will need a clue)
                    'I hate the smell of pet shops' (noone forced you to come in)
                    'I can get that cheaper at Asda/major competitor/Hell!' (then go there then)
                    'are you open' (well I am at the till serving you so at a guess, yes)
                    'Are you open?' (not for another 20 mins, but i did enjoy watching you bounce off the door)
                    'Do you have this' as they wave the empty box at me( yep, we have lots of empty boxes)
                    'do you have *competitors own brand food*' (?????)
                    'Have you got...oh I canny mind what it's called....I got it here before?' (? um)
                    'Ill just borrow your pen' (oh you will, will you)
                    'can I borrow your paper' (yes, but I will want it back!)
                    'give me something to get rid of the dogs fleas' (how about I SELL you somethin instead?)
                    'Smile!' (if theres one way to not get a smile it's this)(esp. if I was smiling at the time)
                    'do you have x?' (you just asked someone else, and we still don't have it!)
                    'Have you got more in the back?' (no 'cos that would imply we HAVE a 'back')
                    'they don't have what I'm looking for'(but if we had known what you were looking for we could have helped, but no you'd rather just stomp off complaining)
                    'I wouldn't work here' (oh thats good 'cos I wouldn't hire you so we all happy)
                    'You close at the same time as my store, and I need to pick something up. You can stay late for me right? (No, thats 'Yeah, Right!)
                    'How much is that' (you bought one item, the price is on it, you asked before you picked it up and I told you again after I had scanned it. It's still £whatever)
                    'How much is that? (well you've just parked the basket containing half the store on the desk, and I have yet to scan the first item, so hush while I scan it and then we will both know how much it is)
                    'Thats not where that used to be!' ( its been there for 6 years)
                    'You can keep the receipt' ('scuse me while I faint with pleasure)
                    'Other Pet Shop has this, but I don't want to walk aall the way down to them( ok, you go into my office, help yourself to my earl grey, and I'll go to the opposition to get that for you (!) why do the
                    never buy things when they see them?)
                    'I'm looking for x' "they stopped making it I'm afraid" 'Its okay, I'll just keep popping in 'till you get it back in' ( er...)
                    'Are you closed, 'cos I just need one thing?' (closed ten mins ago, the till is done, my coat is on and the alarm is set......tough)
                    'Thats the last *whatever* on the shelf, you'll need to order more (Gaa I know, and it's already ordered)
                    'I'll go somewhere else
                    to spend my money, since YOU don't have what I'm looking for' (NOO You can't go somewhere that ACTUALLY stocks what you want, give me a minute to find my magic wand (!) )
                    And people that think if they whistle I am going to run over to see what they want, nuh uh, you whistle and I will assume you brought a dog in.

                    I have been making this list up for a while, and may add to it x
                    "...and you've got people. Billions of people walking about like happy meals with legs...." Spike


                    • #70
                      Quoth tintaglia View Post
                      Phrases I hate (theres a lot and I won't be offended if you don't read 'em all )
                      'Are you open?' (not for another 20 mins, but i did enjoy watching you bounce off the door)
                      I like that.
                      I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                      • #71
                        awe thanks D.F.

                        I worry in case I come off as hating everyone who walks through the door x

                        (and I only hate every second person coming through the door )
                        "...and you've got people. Billions of people walking about like happy meals with legs...." Spike


                        • #72
                          Quoth B&NGoddess View Post

                          " its not scanning so it must be free! "
                          DH keeps saying this. And I keep telling him, "No, it doesn't work that way."
                          One of these days I'll wring his neck over it.
                          Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                          • #73
                            "It's too expensive!" (Yeah, but you only have bare service on your line, you cheap skate!)

                            "Don't you have any literature you can send me on that?" (No! And, if we did, it is the same information I just gave you!)

                            "But I just have a simple question!" (Fine! But a simple question is not asking for payment arrangements on your bill because you can't pay it. Ask me something like "What's the name of your company again?")

                            "Isn't this the water department?" (No, sir, that's why I answered with the name of your current phone company. They haven't deregulated water yet)

                            "What time is it?" (Blow some of that money you have and buy a watch!)


                            • #74
                              "what do you mean you're out of (insert flavor here) of pie!!!"

                              "where's my creamer?"
                              (after you had told me you didn't want it, and that you positively hate creamer in all its forms)

                              "can i see a menu please?" (as though i would lie to you about how much your sandwich is going to cost...morons)

                              "i don't like (insert food here)"

                              "do you work here?"
                              (no, i'm just wearing my ugly as sin uniform for the hell of it)

                              "your food tasted like crap!"

                              "can i speak to a manager please?"

                              "i just want some DAMNED COFFEE!"

                              "what do you mean this coupon only works monday through friday? where does it say that?" (i need to post about this one....ugh)

                              and i pretty much hate anything that irate old people say to me. i don't want to hear about how much you thought our food sucked, or the service sucked (even though we were swamped and you waited maybe five minutes to order), or blah blah blah...and i really don't want to ever hear, "why aren't these kids meals taken off?" and then when i reply, "because i take them off here." get angry about it. if i were you, i would just shut up and be glad i'm giving you the discount at all.

                              good grief.
                              check out my new blog!!!!


                              feel free to comment/send me the links to your blog!


                              • #75
                                "I want to use the internet on my phone - what is the internet?"

                                The report button - not just for decoration

