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We don't care who you know.

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  • We don't care who you know.

    This would be my second post. My first would be about my girlfriend's sister Chantel's beautifully executed LART on an SC. While I don't believe I've reached Chantel Status, I like to think I come close.

    Something that used to bother me when I worked in retail is when customers came in pretending they knew the owner. I'm not entirely sure how this got started because, in the entire time I was there, I never saw the owner give any sort of discount to ANYBODY "just because". The less experienced employees, not wanting to get into trouble, sometimes caved into the customers' demands. But, the technique this worked slightly less well when the owner himself was working. The conversations went like this:

    Steve: "Ah'm sorry, this coupon expahred in 2003."
    SC: "Yeah, well, I'm a friend of Steve! And he won't be happy to know you won't still honour it!"
    Steve: "Ah am Steve!"
    Us: [fits of giggles]

    It was even funnier when one of us was helping the customer, and Steve was nearby doing some other work:

    Me: "I'm sorry, the prices posted are not negotiable."
    SC: "Yeah, well, I'm a friend of Steve!"
    Steve: [Without even turning around, mind you!] "Nope, still $299!"
    SC: "Who was that??"
    Me: "Steve."

    We gave this customer an A for effort, but a C- for execution.

    Steve: "Ah'm sorry, this item was only on sale last week."
    SC: "But...but...I'm a friend of Shave!"
    Steve: "That's ah new one."

    One day I asked Steve if I could have a little fun with the next one.

    He got creative.

    SC: "Hi! Did the girl that was here earlier talk to Steve about that discount on the pillows yet?" [He gestures toward some pillows marked $149.95]

    [Behind the customer's back, Steve looks over at the only other employee who could be described as 'the girl that was here earlier.' She shrugs. Steve grins and nods at me. His sense of humor is almost identical to mine. One reason I loved working there.]

    Me: "I'm afraid I don't know anything about that, sir."
    SC: "Aww, they didn't tell you? I told her to talk to Steve. Anyway, I'm a buyer. I don't pay retail for anything."
    Me: "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I'd be glad to give you the wholesale price sir, which is only $67. No problem!"

    [Steve at this point gives me an odd look. I ALMOST didn't notice because I'm too busy trying not to laugh at the expression on the SC's face. In fact, he looked so excited that I wondered for a moment if there was an entire CLUB of stupid customers with initiation involving getting a discount from Steve.]

    Me: "Of course, the minimum order is two dozen..."

    The look on the customer's face changed to one like I had stolen his new puppy.

    This whole time, Jessica, knowing what I was up to, was trying desperately not to laugh. Steve, not so much. He lost it. Seeing this, Jessica lost it.

    Even I cracked a smile.

    We never saw this customer back again. Funny, that.

  • #2
    I love when ppl play practical jokes on customers or beat them at their own game. Right on man, right on.
    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


    • #3
      I HATED people who did that in my old job.

      Them: 'Oh yeah, I went to high school with Tim!'
      Me: 'You mean Ken'
      Them: 'Uh, yeah!'



      • #4
        I laughed until I cried. Too funny!!!!!!!
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          The owner of the pizza shop I delivered for in college warned us not to give a discount or anything free to someone who tries the "I know Jon, and ..." bit.

          "They only know my name because they've bounced checks here!"

          I've also seen a college student try to demand free pizza by claiming to be the owner's son. "Really? You're awfully tall for a three year old! Nice try."


          • #6
            The owner of the gas station was truly a wonderful man, and his wife was also very, very nice. I think deep down the reason that they kept changing stuff at the store (and some of the things they changed pissed off a lot of regulars) was to get rid of the "dirty" clientel and try and bring in better people. Of course, that sounds really stereotypical and mean, but what do you think the average joe thought when he came to the store for the very first time to be behind some caveman hillbilly throwing a temper tantrum because the lotto machine was down, poundind his fist on the counter, spitting on the floor, and barking cigarette brands at the poor (*cough, beautiful, cough*) cashier???

            I loved it when our nasty regular SCs would pull the "I know Tom"........even better when they pulled the "I know Siren!" (we'll call the owner Tom and my ex manager Siren).

            "I went to high school with Siren, and I'm going to tell her you carded me!"

            "I know Tom, and I'm going to tell him that you're rude and slow!"

            "How DARE you! Siren NEVER asks for my ID for checks!"

            ok whatever...........
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth Mango
              Steve: "Ah'm sorry, this coupon expahred in 2003."
              SC: "Yeah, well, I'm a friend of Steve! And he won't be happy to know you won't still honour it!"
              Steve: "Ah am Steve!"
              Us: [fits of giggles]

              It was even funnier when one of us was helping the customer, and Steve was nearby doing some other work:

              Me: "I'm sorry, the prices posted are not negotiable."
              SC: "Yeah, well, I'm a friend of Steve!"
              Steve: [Without even turning around, mind you!] "Nope, still $299!"
              SC: "Who was that??"
              Me: "Steve."

              We gave this customer an A for effort, but a C- for execution.

              Steve: "Ah'm sorry, this item was only on sale last week."
              SC: "But...but...I'm a friend of Shave!"
              Steve: "That's ah new one."
              The best part about these situations is that there is absolutely no graceful way for the customer to get out of them.


