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Not my colleague, but definitely not sucky

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  • Not my colleague, but definitely not sucky

    So I'm posting it here, instead of in Sightings. As always, feel free to move this if I'm wrong.

    My mom and her three best friends have a breakfast spot (called Egglectic) where they get together to eat and gossip at least once a week. They know the entire staff, and it always makes me laugh when we go there to eat and the waitstaff flocks to our table to say hello, as my dad is usually the "social butterfly" while my mom is more reserved.

    After taking my mom to get a flu shot with me at work today (yay for free flu shots under our HAP!!), we got my dad (who works in a different building on the same campus for the same company as I do) and all three went out to Egglectic for lunch. When we got there, my favorite waiter, E, came and waited on us. He's about 20, adorable and very sweet, and even when he's being a little spacy, he still manages to get all the food and drinks out and on time, and never forgets a refill.

    The funniest part of the whole thing was when he came over to drop off the check, and started telling us (my mom, primarily) all about how he's going to Greece again, and his speech tournament this weekend.

    To wrap up my little anecdote, he always reminds me how fun it is to be "a regular" places, and to have such great service and to always know you will have great service is such a blessing. Anyone else have good stories about a favorite waiter or CSR?
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

  • #2
    My favorite employee ever is a guy who works in the campus store. I go in most mornings to get a caffeine-laden drink to keep me awake in the ensuing classes. Well, when he heard my accent (I'm from England) he instantly started a conversation about soccer, and it turns out we support rival teams. Now, every time he sees me, he never fails to bring it up. Of course, officially, we "hate" each other, but I really love going in there and bantering about soccer in the morning, to the point that sometimes, if I go in and he's not around, I won't even bother with the iced tea. It helps that he's really quite cute, too.
    "If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?" - Gerard Way


    • #3
      Heh... not really any that stand out, but I've been that favorite CSR before, when I worked at Blockbuster. Working every Tuesday (the day all the new movies are released each week in the US), Friday, and Saturday for about 20 months straight meant I was VERY well known, and apparently well liked from the number of compliments I got.

      I've got to say, though, that it's just as much a pleasure to HAVE regulars that you get to know by name, and can chat with (when it's slow) beyond the simple business transactions.
      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


      • #4
        Quoth JustADude View Post
        I've got to say, though, that it's just as much a pleasure to HAVE regulars that you get to know by name, and can chat with (when it's slow) beyond the simple business transactions.
        I completely agree. I have a few techs it's almost guaranteed I'll talk to at least once a week, if not at least once a day, and I look forward to having that rapport with them.
        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


        • #5
          Funny enough, while out with some gay guy friends a few weekends ago, we ran into E out on a date with a mutual friend. So me and all the guys went back to my friend's place, and I stole E from his date to chit chat about how funny it was to run into each other, and to figure out that in addition to him knowing my mom, I know his cousin. Small world.
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


          • #6
            There's this little cafe me,my fiancé and his mom go to for breakfast and everytime we go there we always request for M_______,but if she's not there, E_______. Those girls are awesome! they get out the food and drinks quickly and always check on us and refill our drinks. They are so friendly and cool as hell.
            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


            • #7
              Quoth myswtghst View Post
              To wrap up my little anecdote, he always reminds me how fun it is to be "a regular" places, and to have such great service and to always know you will have great service is such a blessing. Anyone else have good stories about a favorite waiter or CSR?
              Yea, but you can get too predictable. I worked in an office building, again on the late shift doing Operations, and quite often ordered from the Chinese restraunt across the street from there because they were the closest.

              One night I called in my order and the conversation went something like this:

              Woman (heavily accented, of course): "Hi Eric, you want combo lo-main yes?"

              Me: "Um... Yes..."

              They obviously had caller ID and she remembered my number from previous 10 million calls or something... :P

              I guess I was too predictable.

              The next week, I ordered Sesame Chicken.

              Eric the Grey
              In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


              • #8
                Every lunch break I get, it's always the same thing: Large chips and a drink from HP. Nearly all of the staff know my order; sometimes all I have to do is walk up to the counter with the drink -- no talking required.


                • #9
                  I've got that sort of thing going with the Jack in The Box outside of my school. Actually, it's not the first fast food place where that's happened; every Sunday my family used to go to a Del Taco after our morning meetings. It got to the point where we'd walk in and the chefs in the back would hold up fingers asking how many quesadillas we wanted that week

                  There's a Jack in the Box that's in a location that is simultaneously out of the way and yet in the middle of traffic (don't ask me to explain that one) but the employees know us on sight now. I've gone in on my own a couple of times and had the employees mention that the rest of my family came through in the drive through about an hour ago! We usually get a discount from them too, which rocks of course. They are probably the best fast food employees I've ever met, and I WORK in a rival fast food joint!

                  Then there's the one by my school. I've got kind of the same thing Mr. Eric the Grey did; they know my order on sight now. I walk in, get hit by a barrage of greetings and by the time I've finished my order a fresh meal is ready. I LOVE those guys!

                  And like Justadude, at my Wendy's I have customers who I get to return the favor for. The older couple who comes in every couple of weeks and orders the same thing, the older family who comes in every couple of days. And I have had no less than ten people praise me for my customer service; one (highly attractive) Asian girl thought I was the greatest just from my greeting.

                  Actually, on that subject, I distinctly remember one time when I worked at Starbucks, a customer came in on his cell phone. Didn't seem like anything special, took his order and made his drink, then noticed he'd gone outside to keep talking. It was slow (i.e. he was the only customer we'd had in 10 minutes) and I figured I might as well take it out to him. Two minutes later he came into the store and told my manager that he'd been having a really crappy day, but I had just made it a hundred times better. Just from being pleasant and taking his drink out! Made MY day, I can promise you that.

                  Hope you enjoy these!
                  Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.

