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A Rare Breed of Customer

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  • A Rare Breed of Customer

    It's still "the holidays" in the retail world, even three days after Christmas. People are still shopping as if their lives depend on the next "good deal" out there. It's madness. Yet in the midst of all the whiny, demanding, anxious customers, one man made my day.

    I was bouncing between two customers at one point yesterday morning. I knew one other guy was waiting for my help as well. Several people had interrupted me to ask questions while I was helping others already that day. In fact, on a trip through the music and movies section while talking with another customer about the difference between an iPod and a general mp3 player, I was accosted by three other shoppers who stood directly in front of me, blocking my path, and all asked their questions at the same time!

    Anyway, I'm helping these two folks when the Rare Breed Customer comes up to me. I was dreading what I thought would be the inevitable interruption, but I got something completely unexpected. He looked at my name tag, waited for a brief pause in my double-conversation, and said, "HawaiianShirts, I can see you're busy, but put me on your list. I need some help with a new computer." And with that, he found something to amuse himself with on the notebook displays.

    About fifteen minutes later, when I'd finished with the other three and answered probably a dozen other questions for other shoppers, I finally made it back to RBC. He was still patiently waiting for me. I apologized for the delay, but he shrugged it off and said something about it just being the nature of the season. We figured out what he needed. He listened to everything I had to tell him and actually considered it before making his decision about whether or not to make add-on purchases, and as I was dropping him off at the registers to be rung out, he shook my hand and thanked ME, by NAME, for being patient with HIM!

    RBC, enjoy your new technological purchases. May they never break. Ever. You, of all people, deserve that much.
    I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
    - Bill Watterson

    My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
    - IPF

  • #2
    oooh...those kind of customers are few & far between the nasty ones. It almost makes up for the nastiness that you encounter with SC'


    • #3
      Alas. All we ask for is a little respect.

      And when it gets delivered its the best feeling in the world.
      There is no tinfoil helmet. They are reading your thoughts and there is nothing you can do to stop them.

