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Way to go Maggianos

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  • Way to go Maggianos

    Today was my fathers birthday, and per tradition I met up with my parents and we all went out to dinner. We all love Italian talian food, and there are two resturaunts that we go to for all our big events (birthdays, holidays, ect), so it's safe to say that we have gone to this resturaunt at least 5 times a year, for the past 6 years or so. Their business has been steadily growing, to the point that even though we arrived around 4 pm, they were already at an hour wait. My dad was a little put off at being told over the phone it was only a 15 min. wait, but we decided happily to sit in the bar area instead.

    The poor waitress seemed to be covering the entire area by herself, but she did her best to be attentive, and all went fairly smoothly. Until my dad got his spaghetti and meatballs, and found (halfway through) a kids menu chicken finger in it. We brought this to the attention of the waitress who asked the chef and the manager. In the end the manager bought his meal and his desert, refilled all our drinks and the waitress brought him extra sauce. My dad would have just been happy with knowing that it was infact food in his dinner. All in all it was nice to see that they actually did care, and took care of us so well.

    My dad left a 20$ tip.
    "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."