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So good, he should be FIRED!

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  • So good, he should be FIRED!

    Not quite sure if this is the right area for this, but here goes...

    My brother in law, whom I will refer to as Carl, recently picked up a managerial position at the local post office. He has already passed me quite a few interesting stories, but there is one that MUST be shared, as it makes me feel both joy and shame for mankind.

    There was an employee there, who I will call Bill. Bill is a young black gentleman who has only been working for 16 months now. Bill is in danger of losing his job, according to Carl. Carl doesn't like it at all, because Bill is actually an exemplary worker (off topic, I wrote warrior there for some reason...). How good is Bill exactly? Well, most mailmen with walking routes take about the same number of houses and the time it takes is roughly 8 hours.

    Bill? Well, he was going so fast, they have to keep adding more homes to his route. He is currently taking a workload of 11 hours worth... and gets it done in 6! And they have watched him work. He doesn't throw the mail away or anything... he just moves incredibly quickly, and is not even tired when he is done.

    So this is the part that gives me great hope for mankind: Here is a guy who takes his job very seriously and does it fantastically. Six hours... and he is in danger of losing his job. Why? I will explain. You see, If Bill is ever sick, or otherwise unable to come to work (which is very infrequently) the other mailmen have to pick up his slack... meaning they have to divide it amongst 3 workers, bringing their total hours to 12 apiece... meaning MASSIVE overtime... and they do not like that, so they stopped giving him more houses, even though that means he has 2 hours in which he is doing nothing.

    So Bill, being a route runner, has to sit in the mail room for two hours... he cannot sort nor do any other work right, but that is fine, because it is not his job. However, because he cannot do anything, he has been taking off two hours early nearly every day. Now, this has accumulated to the point where he has used up all of his paid vacation and sick days. He is NOT ALLOWED to take a day off if he gets sick because he USED ALL HIS SICK DAYS leaving 2 hours early, or he will LOSE HIS JOB. He is also no longer allowed to leave early, but is still given no additional tasks to do, so he sits around for two hours doing nothing. On top of that, the bosses do not like seeing him loaf around the sorting room because it looks like he is not doing anything, which he isn't because they won't GIVE him anything to do!

    And that is why I feel shame at mankind: A man, an excellent worker and example to workers everywhere, is in danger of losing his job because he is just too damn good at it. How ridiculous is that?

    As of now, Carl is arguing for Bill, but being new he has little sway. I have never met Bill, but I am hoping he has luck on his side.
    ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!

  • #2

    Does anyone else smell..



    • #3
      Quoth Crazeyal View Post

      Does anyone else smell..

      It's a very thick smell too.
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #4
        That doesn't make any sense! He can't work for 2 hours because the higher-ups says so BUT they don't like the fact that he's not doing anything for 2 hours so he might get fired???? It's like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.


        • #5
          I agree. That smells strongly of lawsuit. Why should Bill be punished because he works faster than the average worker??
          I feel his pain - I'm the same way - whenever work wants something done fast and right, they come to me. *sigh*
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #6
            Heh obviously none of you have worked for the US Postal Service. I spent a year there and this story doesn't surprise me at all. They are VERY strict about time off due to the nature of the business (having to deliver mail to every address in the US 6 days a week takes quite a bit of effort), and as such they have a zero tolerance policy.

            Bill made two cruical errors:

            1. Covering so much ground on his route. There's a reason the mailman who delivered my parents' mail stopped to BS at every house.

            2. Taking off 2 hours every day. Now I can understand #1, but there's no reason he should have used his time to leave early because no one had any work for him to do. I'd either bring a book to read while the USPS pays me those 2 hours or have management think of alternative tasks to do. Put the burden on the suits rather than spending your own earned time.

            Sadly, if Bill ends up fired due to needing a day off with no time left there will be no lawsuits to sniff. He took the time, it's the chance he took if/when something happens causing him to need that time later.
            "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


            • #7
              everyone except CMS is forgetting that this is the US government. in the US government a mosquito could be considered a genious.


              • #8
                Quoth CancelMyService View Post
                2. Taking off 2 hours every day. Now I can understand #1, but there's no reason he should have used his time to leave early because no one had any work for him to do. I'd either bring a book to read while the USPS pays me those 2 hours or have management think of alternative tasks to do. Put the burden on the suits rather than spending your own earned time.
                I guess I forgot to mention this, but there is another reason why I want this guy to succeed: He has absolutely zero formal education. He basically has no skills built up since he never went to school. This is probably one of the few things he can do, and he can do it damn well... and soon, he probably won't be able to do it at all.
                ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!


                • #9
                  when he is done with his route, why don't they just send him to help other postmen? that way, the mail is getting delievered, and he is doing something


                  • #10
                    That would be a logical solution.

                    This is the government.

                    Logic and government are mutually exclusive in a large number of cases.



                    • #11
                      Fucking government and their fucking beurocracy.
                      Check out my cosplay social group!


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gabrielle Proctor View Post
                        Fucking government and their fucking beurocracy.
                        I guess that means you know how I feel.
                        ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!


                        • #13
                          Has he considered.. maybe working a little slower? He sounds like a badass worker, but he should probably start taking just a little longer on his routes every week.. a few minutes here, a few minutes there - until he's averaging 8 hours. At least, that's what I've wound up doing when I find myself finishing way too early.

                          Oh yeah, and hope he doesn't get sick anytime soon.


                          • #14
                            Quoth bean View Post
                            Has he considered.. maybe working a little slower? He sounds like a badass worker, but he should probably start taking just a little longer on his routes every week.. a few minutes here, a few minutes there - until he's averaging 8 hours. At least, that's what I've wound up doing when I find myself finishing way too early.

                            Oh yeah, and hope he doesn't get sick anytime soon.
                            I dunno... he probably kind of like me: If I know I can do a job well, then not doing it well is an idea that disgusts me. Then again, some people might not lump 'speed' and 'quality' into one catagory, as I do.
                            ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!


                            • #15
                              Er... the US postal service is a monopoly. It's not a government job. It's actually a commercial entity.

                              Either way, of course, the guy doesn't fit. Gov't bureaucracies prize slow and reliable, not necessarily competant.

                              Commercially, well, the savings in manpower of having him don't necessarily offset the costs of when he can't work. Of course, that's only in the short-term, with the overtime. Logically, one day of overtime for the three people it takes to replace him will cost about as much as the savings of the 3 salaries he's replacing over... 2.5 days. (3 people on 1.5x pay is 4.5x salary, plus one day's sick pay for him gives 5.5. He saves 2 salaries for the days he's working...) Frankly, the company's ahead with this guy if he's working 1 day in 3.

                              Now that's some math you can take to the bank.

                              And if him sitting around for 2 hrs is that big of a deal, not only can he try a book... but, shoot, he could damn near catch a matinee before he clocks out.
                              There is no .sig that still seems clever 50 posts later.

