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One good deed deserves another.

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  • One good deed deserves another.

    A few weeks ago, my university had it's annual charity ball. It's usually held the first Friday of January. The money goes towards scholarships for women, and various other women's charity. It's a pretty huge deal, and no one really wants to work that night. I have a mini shift on Friday afternoon for about an hour and a half. A few days before the ball I got an e-mail for the girl who works directly after me. She was having dinner before the ball and wondered if I could work the last hour of her shift. At the time I wasn't sure if I was even going, so I offered to work the whole shift. The shift lasted from the beginning of my shift until when the ball began.

    As the days drew closer I decided that I did want to go to ball. I spent the better part of my free time Friday plotting the fastest way to get ready, without being too late for the ball. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of a thing.

    It was two hours before my shift was supposed to end when one of my male co-workers came in.
    CW- Hey *hinakiba777*
    me- Hey *CW*
    CW- Are you going to the ball tonight?
    Me- Yeah, I'm pretty psyched.
    CW-Want me to come to work an hour early so you can get ready?

    I was so happy. I found out later that night that he'd also agreed to work two hours late so that the person working after him could go the ball, too. What a great guy. ^.^
    Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

    Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
    Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.