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Praise that must be withheld

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  • Praise that must be withheld

    So, anyone who lives in the northern Illinois area knows what a terrible snowstorm we had this week. The college I work at has a curvy road for an entrance that winds through a forest. Very pretty, but turns out sucks for driving on in the Winter. While driving, the car in front of me stops abruptly and I break suddenly. Of course, on a road covered in snow, the brakes don't stop me, so I swerve to avoid hitting the guy in front of me. Another "of course" goes to the fact that I get stuck in a snowdrift on the side of the road.

    Well, for some reason I was in a good mood. I hummed a tune that I had stuck in my head all day as I attempted to work my way out. I had no shovel, so I was merrily chipping away at the snow under my car with the back end of one of my window brushes.

    To speed this story up, about 10 minutes later, I had five cars pull over and stop to help me free myself from the snow. Some of them I would have expected to stop, including an older gentleman and a guy with a navy jacket. I WASN'T expecting, however, for a young couple around my age to hop out and offer a hand.

    Sadly, all of their efforts were in vain. After 10 minutes of trying to get me out and seeing that one of the tires simply refused to budge, they wished me good look, suggested I get in my car and stay warm, and told me to call the number on my insurance to get a tow truck.

    Even as they were handing shovels back to their respective owners, what rolls up behind me but a tow truck! The guy inside rolls down the window and shouts out, "You stuck?" I answer in the affirmative and he quickly sets the rig up to yank me out of the snow. He doesn't bother charging me. I am so pleased, I ask for his name.

    "Hank," he tells me (not real name, of course).

    As I drive off, making the half hour drive home, I realize I didn't get the name of the tow truck company... So I plan to spend the next two hours at home finding the name, since I knew what letter it started with and how the trucks were designed.

    Sadly, I come to a realization as I am driving: The man didn't charge me for a service... even if I were to call in and say such great things about him, those very same great things might get him fired. I also didn't want to risk NOT telling them he didn't charge, in case they were able to somehow check, like a log or some such.

    So, all in all, getting stuck in a snowdrift didn't put a dent in my mood, but not being able to give a man much deserved praise was somewhat of a damper.
    ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!

  • #2
    Hank, wherever you are, you did well. You've got some good Karma coming your way.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      I'm with XCashier - here's hoping karma will catch up with him. That's an awesome thing to do, and little things like that help restore some of my faith in the people of this world.

      And Meadhands, I totally feel you on the snow. I've been continually digging my car out of the lot at home and trying not to hit anything driving home at night. I'm grouchy right now because I'm stuck at work, and they don't turn the heat up on weekends, even though with SO many fewer people here, it does not get nearly warm enough with the normal setting.
      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

