It's true! The crud tech support people go through just amazes me. I have had some dumb questions for tech support before, mostly because my brain wasn't working, like a lot of SC's. I do not tend to freak out, and I like when tech support people are willing to explain to me (if they know) what happened. I find some of them are hesitant because they are worried I will not understand. I usually do, that is if they are willing to give the explanation a try.
I am kind of an aspiring geek, so I like to think I know my way around computers and their various problems. I work at a hotel, and I have found the oddest glitches that have taken tech support awhile to figure out. I love them, cuz they can fix em! Sure it takes a call-back sometimes, but hey!
I do get a random tech support person who clearly gets only dumbasses, and treates me like a retard. I get a little annoyed sometimes. It makes me sad that they have mostly been ladies, for I am a lady. I said mostly btw lol
I do have one tech support guy who works through internet chat support for our hotel's software. (yay for Chris!) I have nearly proposed to him but I think my tech support boyfriend would be sad, since I know him in real life and all
So tech support people:
much love & various marriage proposals from,
I am kind of an aspiring geek, so I like to think I know my way around computers and their various problems. I work at a hotel, and I have found the oddest glitches that have taken tech support awhile to figure out. I love them, cuz they can fix em! Sure it takes a call-back sometimes, but hey!
I do get a random tech support person who clearly gets only dumbasses, and treates me like a retard. I get a little annoyed sometimes. It makes me sad that they have mostly been ladies, for I am a lady. I said mostly btw lol
I do have one tech support guy who works through internet chat support for our hotel's software. (yay for Chris!) I have nearly proposed to him but I think my tech support boyfriend would be sad, since I know him in real life and all
So tech support people:
much love & various marriage proposals from,