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Awesome Lady at Target

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  • Awesome Lady at Target

    Sunday I was feeling extremely down. Lots of drama and suck in my life right now. The boys and I were at Target and I was just not in the mood, but it was weekly shopping time. I couldn't seem to score a decent parking place, and I usually have good parking fu. I kept circling, my younger son was in whine mode, moving into suck mode, while my older son was trying to help but adding to the stress. I'm thisclose to having a breakdown, due to all the crap in my life.

    Just as I'm about to lose it, I see a parking space. There was a woman leaving the store and I wait as she walked down the aisle since she was going to cross in front of the space. She must have picked up the vibe, and this was where the awesome came in, because she looked at the space, where a cart was sitting, and said, "Is that in your way?"

    I was startled. "Yes?" I stammered. Then, "Thank you," as she stopped, pulled the cart out and put it in the cart corral. She then went on her way to her car.

    That minute she took to move that cart totally turned around the afternoon. I'm just glad I got the "Thank you" out before she walked away.
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  • #2
    Isn't it great how one small act of kindness can make your day?

    What a great lady.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at

