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    Finally a player that understands that his butt is not glued to the seat. While he wasn't happy about losing, he managed to calm the table down somewhat by saying "Well it's not like we've got pianos tied to our rear-ends, we can leave any time we want"

    After dealing with regulars who are there as long as I am, if not longer in a day, it's nice to hear that someone realizes that we aren't forcing them to stay there. (Though, I like a lot of the regulars ) And to boot, this guy was losing a lot of money, yet managed to not suck.
    “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

    -Charles Bukowski

  • #2
    And I like playing on tables with guys like him... they are so much nicer than the people who act like someone is forcing them to be there.

    Oh and I'm sure you'd like me too... I've before not tipped after a cold streak, but I make it a habbit to remember who dealed me and if I have a hot streak later to take some of my winnings and tip the dealers I had earlier (if I can find them)
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      Yep, it's more fun when the people sitting at the table are there to have fun. (also I'd really like to know where some of these people work, because the $500 a hand guys, I want a job that pays that well. ^_^) The one's that act like it's a job are no fun to be around, or to deal to.

      I totally understand when people don't tip when they're losing, and really, since I've worked so many jobs that don't get tips, I'm not bitter when people don't tip. Heck, until I worked there I didn't know you could or should tip dealers (though, in my defense, I never actually played at a table before I started dealing). I always appreciate it when people tip, whether it's $0.50 or $100, it's taking money out of their winnings to give to the dealers.
      “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

      -Charles Bukowski

