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Great laughs with a customer at a politician's expense

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  • Great laughs with a customer at a politician's expense

    I'm not mentioning the politician's name in this story so that this doesn't turn into a political discussion/debate/fratching. It is important to the story to know that this person is currently not holding any office.

    During the lunch shift, I'm usually the only cook because we're not busy and there is one server. When the server goes to the storeroom for something or needs to run to the restroom, I'll watch the door, seat customers, get their drinks, and sometimes take their orders based on how quick they are and how much time the server takes.

    I was watching for customers when I saw a lady walk in and wander into the bar. I follow her back there and ask if I could help her. She just wanted to know about our hours, but while she was asking me, all of a sudden she shuddered and went "UGGH!"

    Me: What?!
    Lady: Nothing. Sorry. I just saw <politician> up there. (points to the TV in the bar)
    Me: (absolutely cracking up) Well, I have to say I agree with you there!
    Lady: (sigh of relief) Oh good. I don't want to offend anybody.
    Me: Well, since you said it first, I can say it too.

    We both laughed at that point. The story gets better though.

    I was working the omelet station the next morning at breakfast and she and her husband came through the line. As I hand them their omelets, she plunks down a $5 bill on the counter (most hotel guests don't tip at breakfast and anything above $1 is a notable tip) and said "Here's hoping <politician> stays right where she is!" We had a good laugh together again.

    Thanks awesome, politically opinionated lady. You made my day two days in a row.
    The original Cookie in a multitude of cookies.

  • #2
    It's always pleasant when the person expressing political viewpoints happens to have the same leanings as you. Plus, she didn't rope you into anything but let you get as involved as you wanted to.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      It's like a comment I've made in passing at the wholesale club over the last couple of years. When I'm on register, packing the cart uber-efficiently as usual, I've had customers comment "You're a great packer." One of my first times using my witty line was a couple of years ago.

      Them: "You're a great packer!"
      J2K: "I oughta be, after 7 years. Anyone can figure out how to do their job in 7 years."
      J2K: "Well, maybe not anyone."
      Them: "Like (politican)?"
      J2K: (blink) "Well, I wasn't going to name names, but yes!"

      We both laughed, and I still use that "anyone can figure out how to do their job in (x) years... well, maybe not anyone" line at work, but I never elaborate further.
      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

