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Pulled Over, Not Mad

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  • Pulled Over, Not Mad

    So, last night I was at a friend's house acting as DD for my boyfriend. I get a call from 2 of my friends who wanted to come but didn't have a car. I said I would gladly pick them up and take them home later since I had planned on not drinking. They were estatic. Now, they were about 3 streets over and I had never been to that house before, so I was driving a little slower to find the right street. I didn't realize it was the street till I passed it, so I went to turn around in the LARGE driveway of the old prison. A car was coming from the direction I just came from so I waited for it to pass. It stopped instead. I was confused because people really aren't that nice, especially at 1:30 in the morning. So, I backed out to the opposite direction. Soon as I do that, the sheriff flips his lights. I think, Oh great. Was that an illegal u-turn? I wasn't sure, so I pulled over. Now, my windows don't roll down along with a few other electrical problems, so when he walks up and I say, Hold on, through the window and open my door a crack. He gets a nervous look on his face and instinctively reaches for his gun. I put my hands up and say, "My windows don't work, I swear." He kinda chuckled at that and got my information. He then informs me that my tailights are out. Holy F*ck, that's not good. I had no idea, which I tell him. He completely understands. Since I have no priors on my record, he doesn't give me a ticket. He actually follows me back to my friends place to make sure that I don't get one.
    He was very nice and very understanding and I am glad I got pulled over by him instead of some asshole cop who hates college kids (see my post in sightings about my friends being pulled over). Was kind of funny too because he followed me, to a party, that had alcohol and weed, and underaged people (18, 19, 20 year olds mind you). My friends saw the cop and freaked. You could hear them yelling to ditch the weed, lose the beer from outside, but the cop didn't do anything. He just shook his head and told me to have a good night.
    "Well, obviously you will now that you don't have to drive."
    He was awesome. Why can't all cops be that cool?
    Last edited by Tithera; 04-03-2010, 07:28 PM. Reason: i suck at spelling, lol
    Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

    "I put the laughter in slaughter."

  • #2
    And this, my friend, is why you should take the time to check all of your lights and signals at least once per month.

    Although, considering your car has other electrical problems, I suspect you might have issues beyond just replacing a bulb or fuse.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Right. It all steams from one problem.....that we can't find. Plus, my lights were working when we arrived at the party, so they must have went out right as I left. I am definitely going to start checking them from now on.
      Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

      "I put the laughter in slaughter."


      • #4
        Do not count on there being a single thing wrong with your lights! They were 98% probably working when he stopped you. Given what I've seen, that was just the precursor- If you'd been the least little bit out of line-POOOW- it was just their probable cause to start digging.


        • #5
          jerrybear, considering the other wiring issues with the car, there's a very good chance that the lights were not working.

          I've had similar issues, myself, with it being my headlights that would sometimes fail to work. >.<

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            I can relate, my Dad's car has a goofy lighting problem that he can't find, that causes the headlights to go out (well, just the right one apparently), twice now, he's thought he's found it and fixed it because they work just fine in the garage, but as soon as he goes out on the road, and turns them on, they go out....

            I try to flag down everyone I meet who has a light out to tell them they do, so they don't get copped later on.... most people are thankful.
            - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


            • #7
              Quoth jerrybear View Post
              Do not count on there being a single thing wrong with your lights! They were 98% probably working when he stopped you. Given what I've seen, that was just the precursor- If you'd been the least little bit out of line-POOOW- it was just their probable cause to start digging.
              Uh, actually, it is all stemming from one problem: Bad ground. We just can't find it. I'm selling it here soon and buying a different one. And they WERE out. I got out and looked for myself. Plus, I didn't have anything on me, so even if he had searched me or my car, he would have found nothing. I wasn't high or drunk at the time since I was to be DD. I know how it works, and when a cop is ANY where near me, I am a polite, good citizen.
              Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

              "I put the laughter in slaughter."


              • #8
                Quoth Tithera View Post
                I know how it works, and when a cop is ANY where near me, I am a polite, good citizen.
                Many cops will let you get away with a lot if you're polite and you don't try to tell stupid lies.

                I actually merged into a lane that a motorcycle cop was in one day while on the freeway, going rather notably above the speed limit.

                The cop pulled me over, of course. He asked me all the usual questions, like how fast I was going. I admitted to speeding, although not as much over as I knew I was going. However, I quite literally could not see him when I changed lanes, and I looked; I'm pretty anal about checking lanes before I change, but the sun was behind me and lit up the dust on the outside of the only window that I could have seen him through, and he was in my blind spot (he should have known better). He ended up letting me go with a warning and an admonishment to not be in so much of a hurry.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

