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Awesome SuperManager seems to care.

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  • Awesome SuperManager seems to care.

    So Friday, we had the beginning of a very large sale. It was mostly a gardening thing. The boss of my boss was in the store to help out and ensure that everything was going smoothly. She was actually mostly doing what all of the rest of the staff was doing - setting up displays and helping customers. She was doing a pretty darn good job of it too. I've never heard anyone be so sweet and caring to people without going over the top. Like, ... sweet, ... but definitely nowhere near sickly sweet. (So sweet you give me diabetus!) *BRIMLEY CAT*

    While working with her (Such a pleasure.) with another (also friendly) customer to look over a stand, the customer stopped suddenly, looked around, and said "... you know, ... I am really in the mood for some Chinese! O.o Huh. What's your favorite kind?" She asked while we were setting up the items to show her what they looked like and how they worked, and inevitably to set up a spare as a display. We each rattled off our favorite Chinese food dish. We went over topics about everything from Chicken (Is it real?) to Sushi (OH GOOD GOD, when I hear Sushi, GET OUT OF MY WAY.)

    SuperManager suddenly did the *headperk* herself. "... ... you know, ... that is a great idea!" I think I'll order some Chinese food for everyone. A lunch special maybe. Would you like to join us?" Customer sadly has to decline, as she has places to go.

    But yeah, within ten minutes, we had all ordered from a takeout menu. 45 minutes later, the food was sent to the break room, and we all took turns going up and eating. It was pretty darn awesome, and was all courtesy of corporate.

    We were eating with SuperManager, and she spoke about her history in retail. She is one of us, (So the saying goes) and wants to keep the staff happy as well as the customers happy. She knows not only how retail works, but how it should work. She takes suggestions, and replies with her take on things, and with interesting and enlightening facts. She's so awesome. ^.^

    For the next two remaining days of the sale, we had bagels or pizza for breakfast and lunch.
    SC: "Are you new or something?"
    Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."

  • #2
    The best managers are the ones who started on the front lines and haven't forgotten it. Sounds like you have an excellent one there.

    The Chinese food certainly doesn't hurt, either!
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