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Boiler repair dude

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  • Boiler repair dude

    Been having problems with my water heater cutting out every so often when heating the radiators. Looks to be a heat-related thing.

    I got it under a service contract last year and they serviced it immediately. No idea what was wrong, but let them know if it continued. Got to warmer weather and it wasn't really used much, so...

    Comes the colder weather, starts playing up again. Got someone out two weeks back - did the service and looked for issues. Turns out he couldn't see anything wrong, but phone us if it continues.

    Dude came in today, since it was continuing. Listened to what was up, looked at the model of boiler, and ... "I know this one. You need to replace these two exact parts and it'll be fine. Common issue."

    He's back on Wednesday to do that. He's also very interested in the racing car, seeing as he's part of the same company that chum who drives it works for. He's waiting now for the internal magazine that has chum in it (not in the latest one).

    Also, major kudos to the delivery guy dropping off a package for me and not even blinking when I was in my shorts, T-shirt, and dripping with sweat, panting, "Exercise bike," at him. I guess he's seen all sorts.
