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Magical Birthday Elves

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  • Magical Birthday Elves

    I work three part time jobs right now. I've already posted a few stories about my weekend gas station job, but I'd like to share something about my weekday morning office job, where I work as an independent contractor doing paralegal work.

    There is no way my co-workers knew my birthday was coming up; my boss didn't even look at my Driver's License when I was hired because I'm an IC. Therefore I can only conclude that there are magical Birthday Elves working in the office.

    The Elves were tipped off to my birthday by my lovely family, who sent a bouquet of flowers with a very subtle "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" balloon attached. I saw the flowers being walked into the store while I was still across the street. Upon finding out my terrible secret, the Elves went to work.

    In no less than thirty minutes, the Elves produced a giant birthday card that everybody signed, a Yankee candle, a personal card from my immediate supervisor, and a dozen cupcakes.

    I must find a way to thank the Elves. I think an offering of lemon biscotti is in order.

  • #2
    Maybe a box of donuts too. :P
    My Guide to Oblivion

    "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


    • #3
      I had an experience like that when I was on school work experience for 2 weeks, in the run up to Christmas 2002 (seems so long ago now)

      My work experience was in the Ireland Head Office of Falcon/JWT Travel, assisting the IT manager (everyone kept thinking I was his son, for some reason, but my dad was actually the plumber working on the office refit over the weekends)

      Anyways, my birthday fell a couple of days before my 2 weeks were up. About 4 in the afternoon, I got called into the kitchen area, and was surprised by cakes, cards... and a €500 model airplane that they had to have specially built (and arrived 6 months later, but that is another story)

      Best 2 weeks I've spent crawling around under desks tracing ethernet cables, and being called amongst other things, a cat, a rat, and being told (jokingly) by the female office manager that she was getting worried by my crawling around under the girls desks like that.


      ETA: God I'm making myself sound old...
      (seems so long ago now)
      I'm 23 damnit.
      Nothing in this world will ever be truly idiot-proof as long as they keep making more effective idiots... -EricKei

