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Meineke Guy Made My Day :)

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  • Meineke Guy Made My Day :)

    I had to get the break pads and a rotor replaced on my car yesterday. I called the day before to get an estimate and the guy on the phone told me that it would be about $160. Alright, that's not too bad, and definitely not what my over-pricing mind had come up with, so I was happy.

    I bring my car in, go out to wander the town for a bit only to get a call about a half hour later saying that it wasn't just my break pads and rotor. It was also the caliper the breaks were on. The seal was gone and it was leaking fluid. Well great... That's probably going to cost me an arm and both my legs, right?

    Not at all, he told me. It ended up only being an extra $100 to do all three, and now that I'm looking up pricing for these things normally on google, I've discovered just how awesome this guy was to me.

    So thanks, Meineke guy, for helping out a LOT and making it so I could actually afford to fix my car. You deserve cookies.
    I have CDO. It's kinda like OCD, but the letters are where they should be!

    After Tuesday, even the calendar goes W T F...

  • #2
    How cool!

    I get a kick out of their commercials where the car is up on the rack, and all of a sudden the "customer" appears from the car, (usually hanging upsidedown from the driver's seat) to declare which pricing package they want.

    (Love your sig, BTW! Made me LLO! )


