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Bonus Coupon

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  • Bonus Coupon

    I know a dollar's not much off my usual grocery tab (about 1%), but I'll take any extra savings I can get.

    My cashier at the local grocery store today was awesome. Not only was she pleasant and friendly to everyone (there was a long line), but she also saved me money. See, a few customers ahead of me, some guy got the wrong item for a coupon he had and decided he didn't want either the item or the coupon. I just happened to have the item to which the coupon applied. The cashier paused during her scanning, looked at the item, said, "Hang on a second," pulled the unused coupon from a little stack of paper near her register, and scanned it into my order. Then she explained what she'd done after I watched the total drop a bit.

    No argument from me! And I thanked her, of course.
    I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
    - Bill Watterson

    My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
    - IPF