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  • OMG PUPPY!!!!

    One of the customers I had today was just a bight spot of light in the day for me.

    She wasn't sure if we allowed dogs... and to be honest I don't know either. I mean we have no signs against them and we don't sell food (bagged chips & bottled soda does not count).

    But hell I'd rather see a doggy inside than have it left in the car. (we had one guy do that on my first or second week... 2 hours in some pretty bad heat)

    And it was OMG CUTE. A little black Chihuahua in a pink sweater. I held it for a little while typing as the woman had her hands full.

    I even called one of the other workers out to look at it... she too was like "OMG CUTE!"

    I'll have to tell my bf when he gets home... he loves dogs. and his parents have a thing for Chihuahuas.

    so ma'am thank you for bringing in ms. puppy.
    it made my day.

  • #2
    My manager has a miniature Schnauzer, and someone came into the store with one today. We all went squee over her. If anyone skritched her ears in just the right way, she'd lean into their laps, and then eye-follow that person all over the store.


    • #3
      Awww, so cute!

      That's one thing I like about working at a pet-friendly motel. We get to see all kinds of cuteness here. And we spoil the cuteness with the dog cookies we keep behind the desk.
      Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


      • #4
        I have been known to stand and watch puppies both inside and outside stores, then beg the owner to be able to give them scritches. .


        • #5
          Quoth Flying Grype View Post
          My manager has a miniature Schnauzer, and someone came into the store with one today. We all went squee over her. If anyone skritched her ears in just the right way, she'd lean into their laps, and then eye-follow that person all over the store.
          OMG I just love those dogs! I used to know one called Bobby, he had fur like velvet and absolutely wonderful big eyebrows and he just loved pets and cuddles *sighs remembering*
          Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


          • #6
            This is why I love my job. It's encouraged to bring your dogs in for a brief visit, or longer if they're well-behaved. I keep biscuits in my desk just in case. My co-workers think I'm a bit weird, because I'll ignore babies like they're not even present, but the minute I hear toenails or a collar jingling, I'm all 'Puppy??!?!?!' and I'm all over it. The latest puppy was a lab/toy poodle cross, all long legs and soft silky yellow ringlets and the sweetest disposition. I went completely simple in the head. Can't help it. Human babies make me go 'meh, boring' or 'keep that noisy, sticky thing AWAY from me!'. Puppies, on the other hand, short-circuit all my fuses and I'm helpless to resist.
            What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


            • #7
              I work for a law enforcement agency. Our "puppies" (k-9 units) are always welcome in our office. We have several shepherds, malinois and bloodhounds, along with a few labs and mixes for detection work. All of them are awesome. A few are a bit aggressive, so we give the cookies to the handlers to give to the dogs. Keeps the dogs and the handlers happy!
              Why is stupidity not an arrestable offense?

