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Here we go again...

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  • Here we go again...

    This isn't so much a bad story, as just a rather funny one. You've got to hear the whole thing for it to make sense though, so bear with me if this runs long.

    Christmas 2006, I got an Xbox 360. Remember the story "Fire Bad"? Well for those who don't, the Xbox burned up. Literally. It had been traded in bad to an EB, and EB had never checked it out.

    So, I got a new one from Rhino (now EB of all things) and life was good. Much game playing ensued. For a little under three months, I had fun. Then, I bought Oblivion.

    TES Oblivion is a great game, but it must be cursed. For me, it was the bearer of bad news and bugs.

    Playing around eighty total hours (yeah, it's that long) I start having problems. The "Red checker board of death they call it." Oh this can't be good. No, life is not good. Clouds form. Anger rising. Urge to kill rising...rising...

    So, I call up tech support. The techie goes through his script of unplug this, do that, are you sure it's not the game? Check if it's not the game. No, I can wait. So, It wasn't the game? Oh well, you have to send it to Texas.

    WHAT!? I'm not paying that! Oh, wait I don't have to pay? Never mind...nothing to see here.

    So, I send the Xbox off, and life is slow. Days pass. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years. In my case, I only made it to weeks. The Xbox comes back, and again life is good, or so it seems. However, all is not well.

    Looking at the box, I notice that one corner of it is crumpled in. This is a bad omen, I'm certain. Even so I plug the thing up and everything works fine. Oblivion goes in and I play about an hour before...oh god not again.

    Pulling the HD and the game out, I try again and nothing changes. Urge to kill rising! Grabbing the phone, I call tech support. Here's where it gets really funny. REALLY funny.


    T=Thank you for calling Xbox what is the nature of your problem.
    M=My Xbox's screen is wonky.
    M=Uh, yeah. sorry. The picture is corrupted, but it's not the redcheckerboard thing.
    T=So it's showing the red checker..
    M=No, that's just it. It's not.
    T=... Uh. Hang on here...(silence with keytaps) Uh. Ok, what's it doing again?
    M= (explains the whole problem.)
    T= (silence) Uh. I have...never heard of that problem before.
    M= *blink*
    T= (more silence) uh. Could you hang on. I need to talk to my super on this one.
    M=(spends about fifteen minutes on hold)
    T= Have you tried cleaning the AV cable?
    M=(cleans the AV cable) "It got worse."
    T= (Sounds like he's taking notes.) " s...problem...worse."
    M= (trying not to laugh picturing him writing that down)
    T=Ok, is it set in HD...oh wait, sorry, forget that. Uh. What's it doing right now?
    M=Screen's normal, and...wait it's back.
    T=Did you do anything to it?
    M=I touched it.
    T= Sounds like me. My GF won't let me touch anything because of that. Super's back. Let me talk at him again.
    M=MORE HOLD. Longer this time.
    T=Uh...You sure it's not the...oh, no wait, you're in dashboard. Yeah it's not the game.
    T= Uh....(he sounds totally lost by now. Not sure what to say or do. I can only imagine him staring at his screen with the little suggestions of problems that can go wrong, only to find he has no answer.) My supervisor wants to talk to you. I'm escalating this.

    A few moments later, I'm on hold again. The supervisor comes on and sounds just as confused as the other guy. Though, he tells me less. After about fifteen more minutes of poking around in my file, the super notes that I had it repaired once before. Furthermore, I'm calling less than an hour after getting the original back. I'm escalated again.

    This next guy can tell me something, though he seems as shocked as the others.

    T=Mister Repsac, I've been uh...doing some research on your file and I need you to, if you don't mind, please send in your unit again. (He then goes on this long spiel of how sorry he is)

    When he's done, I agree and wait for my confirmation number. Every other word out of the guy's mouth is about how sorry he is this happened, that it wasn't Xbox's fault, and they'll make good on it.

    Of course, I'm wondering what the heck's going on. I just wanted the thing fixed. So, after a while the Techie goes quiet, reads a few things and then says quote:

    Look, I'm sorry for all the trouble you've been through. To make it up to you we're sending you a copy of Gears of War for all your troubles. The box should be there in three days. (Tomarrow, may 1st)


    Maybe it's not as funny as I thought, but just the mental picture of a techie that's blown away by a problem. I found out later from a friend of mine that it's possible they were so appologetic about it because UPS had dropped the box; causing the error. The friend said he heard somewhere about a guy who sued Xbox (not MS. Xbox is a company) because UPS had dropped their Xbox in transit.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    UPS dropping the box sounds about right, and it's nice to see a company who's more interested in making sure customers are happy than about pinching pennies. I'm pretty sure the results of T.C.F.* wouldn't be in the standard trouble-shooting library, so I'm not surprised they ended up shocked... though yeah, it is funny.

    And, if you haven't played it, Gears of War is DEFINITELY compensation worth the time and energy. Until the godliness that will be Halo 3 comes out, it reigns as the hottest FPS game for the 360 in my standings.

    *Total Component Fatigue - The results of something being dropped from a great height and/or hit with a larger hammer than that used in Percussive Maintenance.
    Last edited by JustADude; 05-01-2007, 08:24 AM.
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


    • #3
      Quoth JustADude View Post
      UPS dropping the box sounds about right. Nice to see they're doing the right thing about it, too. And, if you haven't played it, Gears of War is DEFINITELY a reward worth the time and energy. Fun, fun, FUN game.
      I worked for FedEx for about a month doing outbound sort. The boxes come fast and steadily down the conveyor system which goes up, then back down a slide to another conveyor for the appropriate truck. Plus in the truck the box is pushed on rollers to someone in the nose who will cram it where it will fit, like in Tetris. Not to say they're harsh with your box on purpose, and some care in handling is common, but they make packaging materials for a reason.

      On a similar note from when I was in retail. Don't worry about getting the perfect looking box or one that looks like it hasn't been thrown around, because that's decieving. Your merchandise has gone through several different hands from being shipped from Taiwan to riding in a semi to the store. Anyone who's ever seen a Target truck when its doors are opened for unloading, knows that most merchandise goes through hell and back. A truck when it arrives at the store, is a disaster to say the least.


      • #4
        I had to call MS before about our X-box at work. It also burned up. But the people that we were talking to, basically was calling us lier's. Can't help it, if it burned the game.
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #5
          this is in response to your epilogue. another leap in logic i do not understand. ups drops it so let's sue microsoft. *shakes head*


          • #6
            Quoth JustADude View Post
            *Total Component Fatigue - The results of something being dropped from a great height and/or hit with a larger hammer than that used in Percussive Maintenance.
            BOFH strikes again?
            I AM the evil bastard!
            A+ Certified IT Technician


            • #7
              Quoth volatile View Post
              this is in response to your epilogue. another leap in logic i do not understand. ups drops it so let's sue microsoft. *shakes head*
              Standard sue logic: go for those with the fullest pockets.
              ludo ergo sum


              • #8
                It only gets worse.

                I swear, at some point things have to get better.

                Today, I get a call from Xbox saying that they had gotten my box in, but that it was empty.


                Here's the funny part of this. I haven't recieved the box to ship it to Xbox yet. Apparently, halfway between here and Texas, my box ended up on a truck and was returned to the sender.

                So, it's a few more days wait now while Xbox sorts things out...again.
                Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                • #9
                  Quoth repsac View Post
                  So, it's a few more days wait now while Xbox sorts things out...again.
                  Sounds like there's someone at XBox feeling the same way you are about the shipping company. Remember who's actually messing up when you're grabbing the Voodoo Dolls.
                  And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                  • #10
                    Quoth repsac View Post
                    It only gets worse.

                    Here's the funny part of this. I haven't recieved the box to ship it to Xbox yet. Apparently, halfway between here and Texas, my box ended up on a truck and was returned to the sender.
                    Had this happen at work. The new part came in, and the shipping clerk opened the box, put the new label on it and then sent it back. Never saw the part. I was not a happy camper, I needed that hard drive.


                    • #11
                      I got the box back finally today. I've taken pictures of it for my records and Xbox's, and per their suggestion I'm writing a letter to UPS. Why? I'll post the pics later, but suffice it to say that I didn't trust to send the Xbox back in the box they sent.

                      For one, there was a huge size twelve footprint stomped into the thing. That was the least of the problems. When I opened the seals in front of witnesses, we found that someone had removed the return shipping lable, making it impossible for me to return the thing.
                      Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                      • #12

                        Xbox three day overnighted me another box. To replace the one that was stomped. It was to arrive in no more than 72 hours. Note the past tense here.

                        The box is missing. The tracking number turns up zip. As far as I can tell, the whole thing has vanished into a very sucky worm hole.

                        All work and no Xbox make Repsac a sad ghostie.
                        Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                        • #13
                          I think I'd insist that Xbox use a different shipper, since their usual one is notoriously unreliable.
                          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                          • #14
                            Free Gears Of War?
                            Damn you to hell, you lucky bastard.
                            "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


                            • #15
                              It's interesting to me, as in the parts division here we us UPS as the standard, but over here in my current call center, we use FedEx, and there were complaints from people on each side. Granted, most of the trouble I've dealt with was from UPS, but I talk to people weekly who hate FedEx. *shrugs*

                              Good luck, hope you get it all worked out soon, and UPS doesn't do any more damage!
                              "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                              “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

