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I will cry about it tomorrow....then again maybe not

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  • I will cry about it tomorrow....then again maybe not

    You know those problem users? The ones that are just so tech unsavy that it just is nearly impossible to solve their problem? I'm talking the ones that despite holding their hand through deleting cookies and refreshing and other trite issues, don't get it? I had one cancel today....then he got mad b/c he didn't feel that I cared enough. He felt it was b.s that the problem was on his end and that I didn't do enough to fix it and that he felt I should be upset that he was leaving.....the problem? His browser wouldn't accept cookies and no matter what I did, he couldn't change the settings. Therefore it was on our end. I shed a single tear over his cancellation......not really
    "If all else fails...blame the dog"

  • #2
    I'm sure many of my customers would like to think that I cried after they left because of the emotional devastation I felt from not being able to help them. Here are some of my favorite lines that happened when I couldn't help or just before the customer threatened to take their business elsewhere...

    Me: I'm sorry. I'm sold out at the moment.
    SC: This is horrible customer service. YOU are horrible.

    Caller: Uh... yeah... I'm trying to get on XBOX Live. Do you know what's wrong?

    SC: I need to upgrade my computer.
    Me: Okay. What kind of upgrade?
    SC: Just an upgrade.
    Me: Software or hardware?
    SC: Hardware.
    Me: Okay. Are you thinking processor? Memory or storage? Graphics, maybe?
    SC: No, none of that. I JUST need an UPGRADE!
    Me: I understand that. But I need toknow what kind of upgrade you want before I can help you. What about your computer are you trying to improve.
    SC: Oh, forget it! You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

    Caller: My computer's not working.
    Me: ... okay?
    Caller: Well? ... Fix it!
    Me: What's wrong with it?
    Caller: It's not working!
    Me: Can you describe the problem to me?
    Caller: Fat lot of help you are! I want to talk to someone more experienced!

    SC: Why the **** did you sell out? Didn't you know I wanted one?

    SC: Where are your long-range routers and rangeboosters?
    Me: What kind of range are you talking about?
    SC: Oh, about 45 miles. I need to use my wireless at work.
    Me: I don't believe that's possible, sir.
    SC: That's what the other guy said! I don't believe this! Don't they train you people?

    I could go on, but I've hijacked this thread enough already.
    I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
    - Bill Watterson

    My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
    - IPF


    • #3
      Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
      Caller: Fat lot of help you are! I want to talk to someone more experienced!
      Someone said that to me once. it was a while ago. My reply? "Sir, I've forgotten more than some people in school now will ever learn about computers. If you don't feel that I am experienced enough to help you, I'll gladly transfer you to one of the lower tiers of tech support." I don't recall if that's precisely what I said, but it is close as I remember. The caller became a little indignant since he didn't want to be transferred down but he at least listened and was more willing to work with me to solve his issue.
      Bears are bad. If an animal is going to be mean it should look so, like sharks and alligators. - Mark Healey


      • #4
        Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
        SC: Oh, about 45 miles. I need to use my wireless at work.
        Me: I don't believe that's possible, sir.
        It's possible, just not legal. The FAA kinda has issues with signals that can bring down planes.
        I AM the evil bastard!
        A+ Certified IT Technician

