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Changing a channel is hard now?

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  • Changing a channel is hard now?

    Humanities future is scary....

    Me: Tired rep
    MM = Moron Man

    Me : Thank you for calling Tech Support, my name is Darrien what can I do for you?
    MM : My tv is stuck on channel 6.
    Me(few seconds of silence on how to respond to that): Do you have your TV remote? Change it to channel 3.
    MM: I do not have a TV remote.
    Me: Ok then go to your TV and hit the channel buttons to change it to 3,
    MM: I can't do that
    Me: Why can't you do that?
    MM: I do not know how to do that, just send a Technician out.
    Me: Very well(losing my patience with this moron). Your scheduled for a Tech on Friday the 8th.
    MM: That is almost a week away.
    Me: Yes cause it is not a problem with our equipment but yours.
    MM: Fine, send the tech out.
    Me: Thank you for calling Large Cable Company you have a nice day.

    note: I added the usual 19.95 formerly known as the lazy tax but now due to him its called the moron tax.
    Never Underestimate the Element of Surprise - Odo, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

    Captain John Rourke(Clear Skies) - Ah, yes. another Black Bird. Are they free with cereal now or something?

  • #2
    Ah, I remember the calls that went:

    Caller: My remote don't change channels no more.
    Me: Most of the time, it's just that a wrong button was pressed. If you press the button that says "CBL"...
    Caller: Aw... I ain't into this hi-tech stuff. Just send a tech out, okay?
    Me: We can do that... the earliest we have is Tuesday.
    Caller: But I want to watch TV now.
    Me: Then, let's try pressing the button that says "CBL."
    Caller: Naw... I'll just wait until Tuesday.
    I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


    • #3
      I'd like to be add a moron tax to some of the people who I get on the phone.
      How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


      • #4
        You know its scary but I have had calls go that way to. Its

        How can people have technology and not know how to use it.
        Never Underestimate the Element of Surprise - Odo, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

        Captain John Rourke(Clear Skies) - Ah, yes. another Black Bird. Are they free with cereal now or something?


        • #5
          Society is indeed doomed.

          In the olden days, these morons would have been filtered out by sabre toothed tigers or other random beasties.

          Now, just the morons breed and they have access to cable television.
          Total surrender
          Your touch is so tender
          Your skin is like water on a burning beach
          And it brings me relief
          "Nails in My Feet" - Crowded House


          • #6
            Quoth XXDarrienX View Post
            How can people have technology and not know how to use it.
            Simple...because they buy the crap just to impress people, and, because they don't want to seem "inferior," refuse to ask questions about it.

            I'm not a technogeek either, but at least when I don't understand something, I ask. Hell, when I bought my DVD-VHS machine, I spent a good 1-2 hours looking at them, and probably a good half-hour asking questions. For example, how is this Sony different than that Samsung, (both had the same features, yet the Samsung was about $100-150 more) what cables do I need, will they play older discs, etc. While he was at it, he walked me through setting it up. And yes, I appreciated that when I got it home

            The other reason for the massive amount of stupid that society tolerates it. Whenever someone does something stupid, nobody has the balls to tell them "look you fucking moron..." Instead, that person usually gets rewarded for it! Why else would people like Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, et al still be around?
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              Although that caller is an idiot for not going out and buying a universal remote, I have actually seen TVs without channel buttons. My parents have a widescreen without even an on button. You have to do everything by remote. They've bought at least three extra remotes just in case.


              • #8
                Quoth Skandranon View Post
                Although that caller is an idiot for not going out and buying a universal remote, I have actually seen TVs without channel buttons. My parents have a widescreen without even an on button. You have to do everything by remote. They've bought at least three extra remotes just in case.
                This is my remote. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My remote is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it, as I must master my life. Without me my remote is useless.
                Bears are bad. If an animal is going to be mean it should look so, like sharks and alligators. - Mark Healey


                • #9
                  My 30" WS HDTV has an large on button on the front and the other buttons are on the side. Well it just fits in the entertainment center so the side buttons are not accessible, plus there is moulding covering the front sides. And I had to buy one of those round pieces of plastic you stick on the wall to protect it from doorknobs, I stuck it over the power button so my two year old son couldn't press it anymore. Now he just turns it off with the remote when I get up for a second.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Killer Bees View Post
                    Society is indeed doomed.

                    In the olden days, these morons would have been filtered out by sabre toothed tigers or other random beasties.

                    Now, just the morons breed and they have access to cable television.
                    Go watch the movie Idiocracy. It should still be in the new release section, yellowish jacket, probabaly a few copies in stock at your local store (straight to video).
                    Quote Dalesys:
                    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                    • #11
                      Quoth draggar View Post
                      Go watch the movie Idiocracy. It should still be in the new release section, yellowish jacket, probabaly a few copies in stock at your local store (straight to video).
                      I got that from Netflix last week.

                      Now that I've seen it, so many of the threads here make me think of stuff from the movie.

                      Makes me weep for humanity, because the part about the terminally stupid usually breeding like rabbits is so, so true.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        Quoth Kilamon View Post
                        This is my remote. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My remote is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it, as I must master my life. Without me my remote is useless.
                        YAY FMJ!

                        My family has roughly 7 to 10 remotes which are all different and all of which perform different functions.
                        This was my father's midlife crisis. There are many like it, but this one was his...
                        "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


                        • #13
                          Holy Cow -- I wish I got paid extra for dealing with these things (I dare not call them people). I can not fathom why people buy these *huge* systems, but never take the time to understand how they work.

                          I tell my wife that in the four months I've worked at the Focus Of Local Evil Cable Company, I've learned more about televisions than in my previous 33 years of life.
                          In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro.


                          • #14
                            Quoth BravoOrig View Post
                            And I had to buy one of those round pieces of plastic you stick on the wall to protect it from doorknobs, I stuck it over the power button so my two year old son couldn't press it anymore. Now he just turns it off with the remote when I get up for a second.
                            Think he's trying to tell you something?
                            SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
                            SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


                            • #15
                              Quoth The Focus of Local Evil View Post
                              I can not fathom why people buy these *huge* systems, but never take the time to understand how they work.
                              Gotta keep up with everyone else. Don't you know that the ads on tv told them they HAD to have it?

                              It would me to no end at the camera store when someone would come in and want the camera with the highest resolution possible, not caring about anything else feature-wise on the camera. But when questioned, they had no intentions of printing anything larger than a 4x6 (which even a 2mpix is sufficient for!) And wouldn't buy a memory card because it would "cost too much!" so instead put the camera on the lowest quality setting so they can get more than 4 photos with the dinky little included memory card. The lowest setting which may be 640x480 - aka web-only quality.
                              They would print the photos and then complain to us that WE did something wrong that the photos look so bad.
                              Here's your sign! You want the most "impressive" camera yet can't be bothered to actually use the abilities, refuse to spend even $50 more and then blame us? They didn't deserve the cameras they were buying!

