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She thinks she can win by cursing (warning: language)

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  • She thinks she can win by cursing (warning: language)

    So I get this woman today on the phone (back on Tier 1 after almost 8 blissful months of being off of it, now I do both that AND tier 2) who starts off immediately being aggressive and rude. Basically, she was upset when she renewed her service contract on her PC, they neglected to tell her it is a carry-in, no matter if the original was on-site (carry-in means you bring to the store) as hers was.

    That was not the end of the story. She had a simple issue but 1) it could be the device or her PC and 2) I could get yelled out for doing any troubleshooting on carry-in service contracts. I told her to bring it into the store. I must note a previous agent had trouble with her. In turn, this happened:

    CL: Cursing lady.
    SLD: Me.

    CL: I am NOT bringing it into the store! You better fucking help me, I am a big customer!
    SLD: Ma'am, I am sorry you're frustrated by renewal service plans are carry-in only, as such...
    CL: I fucking don't want to hear that! You must make an exception as those idiots did not tell me my renewal plan is a carry-in!
    SLD: Ma'am, as I said....
    CL: I did NOT pay 300 dollars to bring my computer into the fucking store! Now, I demand you MUST troubleshoot with me or else!
    SLD: Sorry ma'man, I cannot.
    CL: Mother fucker!
    SLD: Ma'am as this time if you continue to curse I will have to release this call.

    So, my manager gets on the phone, and this guy is cool because he refuses to cave for anyone.

    He tells her the same thing as me, and in turn more of the same from her. When he asks her nicely to keep the call professional, she lets out this gem: "WHY SHOULD I BE PROFESSIONAL IF YOUR SALESPEOPLE WERE NOT PROFESSIONAL IN SELLING THE SERVICE PLANS?!" She even announces if we don't help her "she will attack the retail store with full force." Yes, I put that in my case notes.

    So after she realizes she is not going anywhere with us, she finally relents and asked, "why kind of support do you fucking offer?" When my manager offers tier 2 support, she asks how much and he tells her the price. She then lets loose with "FUCK YOU!, FUCK YOU!, FUCK THE STORE!" She was still announcing her tirade when my manager has enough and hangs up on her ass.

    BTW, I would have hung up on her ass when she called me a "mother fucker" but I have to warn them first.
    Last edited by sld72382; 06-17-2007, 02:45 AM.

  • #2
    Quoth sld72382 View Post
    So, my manager gets on the phone, and this guy is cool because he refuses to cave for no one.
    Just a little picky grammar point here. Saying that your manager, "Refuses to cave for no one" actually menas he caves for everyone. It should be, "My manager refuses to cave for anyone."

    Sorry. It's just that I have to use my English degree once in a while or they revoke it.


    • #3
      Thanks. Fixed it.


      • #4
        You know what would be awesome? If she tried calling in again, tried the same thing, and then was banned from being able to call in at ALL! I betcha she'd be nice and happy by that point.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          Quoth sld72382 View Post
          "I am a big customer!"
          Oh, you're a big something all right, lady...

          Just what I thought reading that. Some people think that volume and profanity is some kind of trump card.


          • #6
            Quoth Broomjockey View Post
            You know what would be awesome? If she tried calling in again, tried the same thing, and then was banned from being able to call in at ALL! I betcha she'd be nice and happy by that point.
            We can't ban callers but my manager advised me to put notes in for the next techs if she starts flailing curses again to just warn her then if she does it again release the call.


            • #7
              We have atleast one caller who each time he'd call in just started with profanity and verbal abuse. He'd call in over and over for a day or two. Eventually the manager of the call center got involved and advised him if it continued we would disconnect his services. This was with corporate's permission. Now his account says that he must go right to a supervisor if he ever calls in again. He can still call in for help, but it must not be abusive, and he has to deal with a supervisor.


              • #8
                2 words for this bitch: "anger management."
                For the most part, I don't care about what everyone else is doing, or what is popular.
                -Namie Amuro (Japanese singer)


                • #9
                  Quoth sld72382 View Post
                  She even announces if we don't help her "she will attack the retail store with full force."
                  That put a picture in my mind of terrified shoppers and associates running in terror screaming, "Oh my God! It's a 30 foot high wall of idiocy headed right for us! Run for your lives! Run for your liiiiiives!"
                  The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                  The stupid is strong with this one.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Dips View Post
                    That put a picture in my mind of terrified shoppers and associates running in terror screaming, "Oh my God! It's a 30 foot high wall of idiocy headed right for us! Run for your lives! Run for your liiiiiives!"

                    They should make a movie about it.


                    • #11
                      Quoth sld72382 View Post
                      She even announces if we don't help her "she will attack the retail store with full force." Yes, I put that in my case notes.
                      Isn't this grounds for calling in the authorities? Sounds like a threat to take seriously, even though chances are she won't actually do anything. And, why is your company so into retaining this heffer? I know businesses are into doing their best to not lose customers, but I think losing her would be worth it.


                      • #12
                        Ugh. What a bitch! Why is it that some people think yelling and profanity will get them better service? I have a *very* colorful vocabulary (read my LJ sometime ), but there's a time and place for that. I've found that I get better service if I keep my cool. Not only does it *not* escalate the situation, but it ensures that my 1.25Ghz machine will *not* end up running like a 286
                        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                        • #13
                          I work in a escalations for a major manufacturer.

                          Nine out of ten times people will either say that they've been with this company for so many years or that their big company buys so many of these products and is now going to stop.. as if that will help their case LOL. Once in a blue moon yes normally no.

