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2 dumb/angry SCs in a row.

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  • 2 dumb/angry SCs in a row.

    This happened first thing in the morning on Saturday.

    SC 1: Old monitor guy.

    A little bit of background info on this: when we replace monitors, we do an advanced exchange program where you send in your old monitor when you get the new (or really refurbished) monitor. We have a policy in place where if your monitor is not available, we'll send you a similar one (called a sub for short). If a client refuses a sub, we can proceed with the order but we warn them that if the monitor is not in stock it could be backordered.

    SC: I want to know where the hell my monitor is!

    SLD: (looks in database) It looks like the monitor is backordered.

    SC: Why is is backordered? I need my monitor!

    SLD: Sir, we called you up and asked if you'd accept a substitute shall your monitor not be in stock. You refused to accept a substitute therefor the distribution center needs to wait to get your same monitor in before sending it out to you. Right now they have not got one in, so it's backordered right now, but as soon as they get it in they will ship it to you.

    SC: Now hold up, they never told me that wanting the same monitor could result in a delay! This is a very bad customer service!

    SLD: I'm sorry sir, but at this time, we need to wait until it's out of backorder before it can ship. And sir, we HAVE to tell you the refusing a substitute could result in a delay.

    SC: I'll just go to the store and complain to the manager.

    I've found that SCs usual say "I was never told that" when trying to push me over. Secondly the manager is just going to tell him the same thing I did.


    SC2: Lady who decided to make things hard on herself.

    I find Emachines PCs usually suffer from a "no post no video" issue, and the way I usually rule out faulty peripherals is to disconnect everything except for the power cord and monitor. If PC loads up, I'll order whatever device is causing the issue as long as her service plan covers it. If not, I'll order a mainboard and power supply.

    SC: I computer is not booting up. I am tired of calling, send an agent out!

    SLD: Sorry ma'am, we need to troubleshoot over the phone.

    SC: Arrgh. Alright.

    I have her plug the tower into the wall - no go.

    SLD: OK, now I want to you to turn the tower off and disconnect EVERYTHING except for the monitor and....

    SC: (cuts me off) I don't wanna disconnect anything, I WANT A TECH OUT!

    SLD: Ma'am, this is only going to take a minute or too and it will let me see what the issue is, either the tower or a faulty device. Now let's....

    SC: I don't care, send an tech out!

    SLD: Ma'am, I'm sorry you're frustrated but we have to do this, otherwise I can't send anybody out.

    SC: I'm going to complain to the store manager! *click*

    In less than 5 minutes I could have ordered her the parts, but no, she had to act like a bitch and whine to the store. And like the old monitor guy, the store will tell her to call and troubleshoot first.