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We even do "tech support" at the bank.

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  • We even do "tech support" at the bank.

    Ok, maybe tech support at the bank doesn't qualify as traditional tech support, but it's frustrating support over the phone none the less.

    Now, I'm rather new at working for the bank. I've been a cashier before, but never a teller. I'm still learning my job and I still have to ask questions about what to do in a certain situation from time to time.

    I'm also not the best at providing support quite yet, so I usually have to put customers on hold so I can ask the head teller at the branch or another teller about how to answer a particular question. Most of the time on complicated calls, the head teller or a customer service rep will take over the call for me, but for general inquiries, such as balance inquiries, I can typically handle the call unassisted.

    But there are those times when you wonder about the people calling. One of the first, and most frustrating calls that I've taken, was from this crazy guy who calls all the time about his account. Background on this guy: he's not all there, he's married, his wife's not all there, and they've had 2 kids taken away by the state because they couldn't care for them properly. So crazy guy calls up and wants to know why his account balance is so low. So I pull up his account information on the computer and start listing off his transactions. There was this one charge on his account and he kept asking why it was on there. I told him why and he kept yelling that he wanted to know where it was from and why it was on there. I told him to hold on a second and I would go and find out. So I go and ask the head teller and she has me transfer the call to her since she knows about this guy and she thinks he'll listen better to a supervisor. So she gets him on the phone, explains the same information that I explained to the guy, and gets the same response. He even starts swearing at her. She told him that if he couldn't calm down that she was going to hang up on him. Naturally he didn't calm down, so *click* down the phone goes. Another co-worker of mine (we'll call him K) said that he'd answer the phone if crazy guy calls back. Crazy guy calls again and K answers the phone. He starts swearing at K about the head teller and how he doesn't want to be helped by her anymore and he wants to speak with somebody else. The only person we can think of is one of our CSRs (C as we'll call her). C manages to finally calm this dude down and explain what the rest of us have been trying to tell him all along.

    The other interesting character we got calling the bank for help was this woman who was using our ATM over the weekend. She called and insisted that our ATM was broken because it sucked her card in after typing the pin in wrong once. I explained to her that typically the ATM doesn't suck her card in until the third unsuccessful pin try and that it's a security measure to ensure that somebody wasn't trying to steal her card. Then she goes on to complain about how it was her card and she just forgot her pin once and the ATM took her card. So once again I explain to her about how it's a security feature and how it would even suck in my own card if I forgot the pin. I also assured her that the card would be recovered when we went out to service the ATM in a few minutes and she could pick up the card later in the morning. We also determined that she did in fact type in the wrong pin three consecutive times and at that point the card sucked in her card. We know because our particular machine tells us how many times a pin is typed in unsuccessfully before the card is captured.
    Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.