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When employees don't listen....

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  • When employees don't listen....

    A wonderful gem that just happened within the last 10 mins... my co-worker got this one..

    Background: He calls in to our helpdesk and has a problem. Our company just rolled out Firefox for all employees to install in such a manner that doesn't violate the TOS.

    CW: Co-worker
    SC: Sucky (Internal) Customer (An employee of the company)

    SC: I installed the rollout version of Firefox on my (company) laptop and now no browsers work. Not even IE! This is a piece of sh*t!
    CW: Okay, if nothing's working, let's try a reboot first.
    SC: (Snippy attitude) No, I'm not doing that. That is an unacceptable beginning to this solution.
    CW: Okay, looks like I'm going to have to escalate this to my manager. Let me get some information from you...

    He found out that the SC had a version of Firefox already installed (which was not allowed by our company) He later admitted IE worked. Then we get to:

    CW: Okay sir, and what's the best phone number you can be reached at for a callback?
    SC: (Snippy attitude) Oh, well, we can deal with this tomorrow. We don't need to bother anybody. I just wanted to let you know that it's broke and you're going to get a lot of calls about this.
    CW: Okay, I'll write it down in the ticket. Thank you.

    And then the call ended.

    He handled that one like a champ. Bossman is gonna get a kick out of that ticket.

    Oh, and a bonus.. he's in another IT department of the company!

    One of these days... if I get one of those kind of calls...

    ME: Okay SC, if you don't want to do this my way, let's do this your way.
    SC: (Cocky attitude) Yeah, let's do it my way.
    ME: Okay, I'm going to hang up and let you do it your way and whenever you're ready to do this my way call me back.
    Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.

  • #2
    free help

    Quoth Blade_Raver View Post
    One of these days... if I get one of those kind of calls...

    ME: Okay SC, if you don't want to do this my way, let's do this your way.
    SC: (Cocky attitude) Yeah, let's do it my way.
    ME: Okay, I'm going to hang up and let you do it your way and whenever you're ready to do this my way call me back.
    For the last couple of years I now treat everyone I am giving free help to this way. If I am not being paid an hourly wage so that longer repairs means more money in my pocket, then it is my time being wasted. And I refuse to waste my time, on people who think they know how to do the job better than me - But expect me to do all the work.

