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Don't Tell Me What the Problem Can or Can't Be. All Right?

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  • Don't Tell Me What the Problem Can or Can't Be. All Right?

    So this week Eugene is on vacation. Yesterday Mark was working from home, which left me alone on phones with backup from Darlene, one of our programmers who is unlucky enough to have good people skills.

    And it was busy. Three lines ringing off the hook all day. People rolling in voice mail and refusing to leave message, just hitting that redial button repeatedly expecting that a new employee would materialize to pick up the phone.

    Even so, we only had one mild SC yesterday. Some lady who needed a link emailed and claimed we didn't send it (because our not sending it is the ONLY POSSIBLE REASON she wouldn't get an email). I sent it three times after verifying the address, having her email me so I could reply, etc. No dice. Refuses to check her spam box or disconnect the call and call us back in 15 minutes if she still doesn't get it, because she thinks I don't have any other customers who might need help. I finally got rid of her by dictating the LOOOONG link over the phone and wouldn't you know? I got a read receipt from her moments after she hung up with the parting shot that "people are going to think [we] don't have a good reputation."

    But anyway, today Mark was working in the office. So naturally our call volume was much lower.

    But I did get an unsupportable SC. She was trying to install a copy of our software and was getting an error message that told me that she was trying to install it from a limited account on Windows. That won't work; you have to be logged in as an administrator. Cue the conversation:

    Me: To install [software] you need to be logged in as an adminstrator. Just log into an adminstrative account and install [software] for all users on the computer.

    SC: I don't have an administrative account.

    Me: OK. Then you will need to contact the person who does and have them install [software] for you.

    SC: I could install it on [other machine]. How come I could do that?

    Me: Probably because you had administrative privileges on [other machine]?

    SC: I don't think that's the problem I'm having because it worked on one computer and not on the other. That doesn't make any sense.

    Me: Can you tell me for certain that you have administrative privileges on [new machine]?

    SC: That's not the problem. I could install on [other machine] and they are both on the same network.

    Me: [which is completely irrelevant and not answering my Godblessed question] Do you know for a fact that you have administrative privileges on [new computer]?

    SC: I'm not sure.

    Me: Then find out for certain and call us back when you are logged in as an administrator. We'll be able to help you install once you are logged in as an administrator.

    SC: How do I do that?

    Me: I can't say because I did not set up your computer. You can find out by asking the person who set up your computer. You can also look in the Windows Help system for information about it or call Microsoft for support using their operating system.

    SC: I don't think it's that.

    Me: Don't think it's what?

    SC: I don't think the problem is what you're telling me it is. If it is, then you could tell me why I could install on [other computer]. Can you tell me why it worked back then and doesn't work now?

    Me: [Sure. Because your network admin didn't know you were such a ninny back then and let you have administrative privileges when you installed that machine, that's why. He's smarter than that now.] Obviously you had administrative priviliges on that computer when you installed [software].

    SC: Then I should be able to install on this computer. They are on the same network!

    Me: [Which AGAIN doesn't mean squat. You have to know what you are talking about to score any points here, lady.] Log in as an administrator and try the install again. If it still doesn't work, call us back.

    SC: So you can't fix it now?

    Me: No.

    SC: But I still don't understand how come this worked on [other computer] and not this one.

    Me: [Sorry. I'm not falling for that one.] Just make certain you are logged in as an administrator and call us back if it still doesn't work.

    SC: I guess I'll have to.

    Me: [Guess you have to? GUESS? No. You DO have to.] Unfortunately, it's the only way the installer will work.

    SC: I still don't think that's it.

    Me: [Then by all means be my guest and fix it yourself without involving me. You obviously know so much more about the product we make than we do. Pardon me for thinking you called for tech support and not affirmation of your delusions of adequacy (TM Raps ).] I'm afraid I don't have any reason to believe that isn't it. Call us back when you're sure that you are logged in as an administrator. We'll be here until 5:00.

    SC: Thanks.

    Me: You're welcome and thanks for calling. Have a good afternoon. <click>

    I saw that Mark had started a note in the license comments earlier that day but hadn't finished, so I asked him if he had talked to her earlier that day.

    Mark: [groan] Yeah. Many times.

    Me: Was she getting an error on installation?

    Mark: Yeah, but she kept insisting that it was due to the update and going back to [older version] would fix her problem.

    Me: Did you ask her if she was logged in as an adminstrator?

    Mark: She never answered that question. Just kept spewing irrelevant nonsense and telling me to email the link to [older version] because she KNEW it would fix everything. I ended up sending because it couldn't hurt and maybe she'd listen better when she realizes she was wrong.

    Me: Oh, Mark. That's a good one. [and I filled him in]

    We both expect to hear from her tomorrow.
    Last edited by Dips; 10-08-2008, 02:25 AM.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

  • #2
    UGH! Setting users as local admins. We could probably have a part time job just doing that.
    SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
    SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


    • #3
      The ultimate question of our time...

      How much control to give a user? For some of my clients, I'm not confident to give them local admin rights. They install things that destroy the computer, and uninstall things that I specifically installed for a reason ("oh, I thought it was just taking up space"...yeah that was the VPN software you just uninstalled, which is consequently why you can't connect to your machine at home anymore).

      Then again, give them too few rights and you have them calling you at all times of the day asking why they can't do this or that on their computer, plus god forbid they ever find out that you set them up as a "limited" user on THEIR own machine....oh the humanity.

      Seriously, Darwin had some good ideas, but our race just isn't putting them to good use.


      • #4
        Yeah. She was likely the worst kind of user. The one who thinks a little knowledge makes them experts and bravely forge into the BIOS and REGEDIT because they watched someone do it once.

        I WAS trying to gently guide her into having her IT department install the software for her as I'd bet money they purposely set things up the way they did to prevent users like her from farking everything up.
        The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

        The stupid is strong with this one.


        • #5
          Quoth Dips View Post
          Yeah. She was likely the worst kind of user. The one who thinks a little knowledge makes them experts and bravely forge into the BIOS and REGEDIT because they watched someone do it once.

          I WAS trying to gently guide her into having her IT department install the software for her as I'd bet money they purposely set things up the way they did to prevent users like her from farking everything up.
          One of my co-workers is like that with the registry.

          He REFUSES to run regedit when he's remotely logged into a client's PC. He'll only use a 3rd party program like JV16 Powertools that can be gotten rid of after it's used.

          When I asked him why, he said, "I don't want to run the risk of a customer seeing me going into regedit then go and doing it him/herself because I did it and then messing up the machine!"


          • #6
            I just hate users watching me work period!
            SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
            SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


            • #7
              Quoth technical.angel View Post
              I just hate users watching me work period!
              thats why i loved my netop remote control. i could blackout a screen and lock a keyboard. and did on occasion, one user i was attempting to repair a program by running the update from the server, every time i opened a window she would close it. finally i locked her out and what does she do? reboots her pc. i told her if she didnt quit fighting me for controll the $87 she was paying (departmental cost) for my call would be increased to $350 when i sent a tech, lather rinse repeat, and i sent a tech, who called me and asked why he was sent, i responded with idiot tax. he laughed. sorry for the thread jack
              This is a drama-free zone; violators will be slapped. -Irving Patrick Freleigh
              my blog:


              • #8
                Quoth tendomentis View Post
                How much control to give a user?
                I'm reminded of the BOFH reference to this question:

                "The meek shall inherit... what I deem necessary and damn well like it."
                I AM the evil bastard!
                A+ Certified IT Technician

