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Most Disgusting Computer (and SC) EVER (longish)

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  • Most Disgusting Computer (and SC) EVER (longish)

    A customer came in about 8:50 on a night we close at 9pm. She wanted her laptop checked out because it wasn't working. We had already sent our tech home (it was a dead day) and there was nothing I could do at nearly closing to check her computer, so I said we'd take it in for diagnostic and that was $59, payable in advance.

    Well, she was in SHOCK! She said her mom had her computer checked out and they didn't charge her until after the work was done. Well, we've had several people find out it would cost more to fix their computer than to buy a new one and they just left the machine after our guys spent hours running diagnostics, so we HAVE to have them prepaid. She called her mom (who said the same thing to her) but agreed to leave the computer that night and come back in the morning to pay for the diagnostic.

    I took the laptop and locked it up under our counter. I did notice several odd things about it. The power cord was chewed on. It smelled BAD like smoke and other things. There were stains and dirt of unknown types all over it and there were burn marks by the touchpad. I had a feeling it would be trouble, but it was now 9:10 and I had to get the store closed.

    Her mom came in the next morning and paid for the diagnostic, complaining the whole time that she didn't have to prepay last time.

    Now the gross part...

    Our tech starts to work on the machine. Sometimes it would power up, othertimes not. We thought that maybe the memory or hard drive was loose, so he popped it open...

    It was FULL of dead roaches of all shapes and sizes.

    Not only was this machine dirty, smokey, chewed on and burnt but it was roach-infested!!!

    I honestly didn't know what to tell the customer. I called our tech services number and they said they wouldn't touch it and the girl on the line was grossed out. I called a manager on how to handle it with the customer and he didn't know, just said be tactful.

    Luckily the customer came in to check up on her computer. I told her "I'm sorry, we can't fix your machine. It's... well, there's bugs inside, and they probably have shorted the electronics out and eaten the adhesive that holds components on the board. Our tech center can't fix it and even if they could, it would cost more to clean it out than to buy a new one." She was PISSED!

    Her mom came in a moment later and said "Why can't they fix it?" She told her mom "There's roaches in it." and her mom said "Ohhh."


    Like it was an everyday thing for them.

    Our tech later remembered when her mom brought in a desktop computer (the one where she didn't have to pre-pay the diagnostic) that there were some bugs in that one too! Can you imagine what their house is like if their computers reek of smoke and contain dead bugs? EWWWWW!!!

    They took their disgusting computer back and we refunded the diagnostic and luckily have never heard from them again.

    I washed my hands 10 times that night and still didn't feel clean.

  • #2
    Gross. Did the customers look like they live in filth? Also, were there any obvious entrance points for the roaches, like a hole in the back? Too bad you couldn't suggest they call a bug exterminator to their home as I'm sure its full of creepy crawlies!

    "In cases of customer bathroom emergencies, the toilet itself becomes less of a goal and more of a loose suggestion." - Shamus


    • #3
      Not really, we have scuzzier customers come in. Just your general 'white trashiness'.

      As for a hole in the computer, just the regular vents. Roaches can get in some very small spaces, but even they can't press up against a hot processor or a power wire and not get fried. They probably got in when they were small and just kept growing eating the crumbs and dirt that fell thru the keys.


      • #4
        That. is. so. gross. Even for me. and I live in the deep south where cock roaches are the state bird and I've never seen anything like that! How in the hell do they get into a laptop?! or computer?! I can honestly say...well..that's just insane! .shudder. I hate cock roaches. they've got so many germs. gross. and they fly at you. and just ugh. those are some disgusting people.


        • #5
          I washed my hands 10 times that night and still didn't feel clean.
          I feel the sudden urge to wash my hands and I wasn't even anywhere near it!


          • #6
            More of an Unsupportable post. Still wish I hadn't just eaten before reading it, mind.



            • #7
              Quoth Firecracker View Post
              I hate cock roaches. they've got so many germs. gross. and they fly at you. and just ugh. those are some disgusting people.
              Actually, roaches are only as dirty as their environment. It is very possible to have roaches in an otherwise clean home. In that case, you have clean roaches.

              I'll admit that I greatly dislike them also!

              Surprisingly, after 7+ years in this house, the only real "pests" we've had have been assorted scorpions, wasps, hornets, a centipede, and an opossum that waltzed in one night. Outside is another story, tho!
              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


              • #8
                It was FULL of dead roaches of all shapes and sizes.

                yeah i'm going to hell for laughing... i just can't help but think... "Your computer has a bug!"

                Actually, roaches are only as dirty as their environment.
                ... depends on how much food trash you leave lying around. roaches won't live where they can't eat.


                • #9
                  EasyTech Diagnostic charges are NOT REFUNDABLE. I know it's not your fault, but your manager needs to know that.
                  "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                  RIP Plaidman.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                    EasyTech Diagnostic charges are NOT REFUNDABLE. I know it's not your fault, but your manager needs to know that.

                    Oh we know it... but for that one since we didn't really touch it and we didn't want them bitching to corporate we refunded it. The FIRST thing the tech did was pop the drive and memory panels.

                    *shudder* I gotta not think about that machine while I eat dinner.


                    • #11
                      OK. That's been an issue for me in the past. Other associates - up to and including managers - thinking that these charges are refundable. Just wanted to be sure.
                      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                      RIP Plaidman.


                      • #12
                        I did a temp stint at the local Evil Cable Empire call center and the trainer told us this horror story:

                        Customer gets cable package through Evil Cable Empire. Tech shows up, installs the cable box, gets everything working, etc. Customer is happy.

                        A week or so later, suddenly customer starts finding roaches in the house. Lots and lots of roaches. Exterminator is called. Exterminator searches and discovers cause of roaches: there were lots of roach eggs inside the cable box, just waiting to hatch. When the cable box was powered up and attached to customer's TV, it warmed up, and the heat hatched the roaches.

                        Customer calls Evil Cable Empire, appalled. Evil Cable Empire puts customer and family in a hotel for two nights, and pays for entire home to be exterminated. Plus nasty cable box is taken away and cust gets brand new cable box that was opened up and inspected before being installed.

                        Nasty cable box is investigated by tracking serial number. Nasty cable box was previously in someone else's home. Box was returned, found to be in working order, and reassigned to new customer. But apparently, old customer was so messy that roaches had crawled inside cable box and laid many eggs.
                        Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.

