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  • Click the box.

    I just spent 11 minutes and 3 seconds trying to explain how to fill out this form:

    In the end I was told to show her when I go in tomorrow. Also, I had to show her how to use an ATM yesterday for both deposits AND withdrawals, something she's been doing since before I was born.

    Old Age. It means she'll retire soon and I'll be free.

  • #2
    oh god, she just phoned back.. I'm on the phone as I talk, she wants me to walk her through it


    • #3
      Okay, she got it, on a third phone call.

      She printed out the page, wrote her username and password onto it then typed them in.



      • #4
        Is she related to the guy that added up his spreadsheet numbers on a calculator?
        "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


        • #5
          Quoth prb View Post
          She printed out the page, wrote her username and password onto it then typed them in.
          But... But.... But...... AAAAARGH!


          • #6
            a little OT but this seems like a good place to unburden myself of something without starting a whole thread. i had this conversation today.

            him: i don't understand this whole "email attachment" thing so here's what’s going to happen: i'm going to print out a blank copy of this order form, fill it in by hand, fax it to you & you're going to scan it onto your computer because we both know the only reason you’re making us email this stuff to you is so you can save it on your hard disk" (yes, he said "hard disk".)
            me: *headdesk*as stated in the ordering policy “all orders must be submitted via email. orders submitted in any other format will not be processed”.
            him: ...... fine *click*

            this is after i've walked him through the process 3 times on 3 separate occasions. and i'm not even IT. i'm sorry guys but if he calls me again wanting another walk through, i'm telling him to call IT. i don’t get paid to teach people how to use their computer.
            vanilla chai


            • #7
              Quoth 4011 View Post
              this is after i've walked him through the process 3 times on 3 separate occasions. and i'm not even IT. i'm sorry guys but if he calls me again wanting another walk through, i'm telling him to call IT. i don’t get paid to teach people how to use their computer.
              DON'T! I'm in IT, the help desk, and our job is NOT to teach people how to use their usual software tools -- that is for their own manager to do. When we get calls going, "yeah, they transferred me to you, how do I..." we stop them and tell them that is not a technical support issue, as nothing is broken. Training is to come from their management. (We are just too busy to do someone else's job for them!)
              I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


              • #8
                we have an in-house IT department that's meant to handle everything computer related. when you call them, the first two hurdles are "press 1 for procedural or how-to problems" and "press 2 for hardware or software issues". i've heard the idiot-end of a call during which IT had to talk them through cleaning out their in box because it was so full their computer wouldn't let them send out any more messages.

                rep: ok. i clicked a little check mark in front of the message but they're all still there.
                rep: oh. i hit "delete"? ok. *hits delete* my inbox is still full, though.
                rep: ooooooh. i have to delete them all. ok.
                rep: no way! i've always wondered what "delete all" was for.

                i feel for them. i really do. but it's their problem.

                besides which, our manager couldn't email his way out of a wet paper bag & corporate knows it. if i referred them to the manager, i'd probably get their entire computer shipped to me so i could hook it up to my printer & print the form myself. or... something.
                vanilla chai


                • #9
                  o gawd.....

                  i thought it was bad when one guy told me...he had explain to someone why they weren't seeing any contacts on the radar (other ships, small craft etc)... cos there weren't any out there. and that it took 15 minutes.

                  But you, sir have one the prize!

