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You fail on so may levels

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  • You fail on so may levels

    We have a user, who months ago started getting errors and wonky issues that made us think his Windows installation was starting to go bad. We told him he needed to ship us his laptop so we could format and rebuild. He, of course, is way too busy to be without his laptop for a few days. Since he could usually get it working again by rebooting, he refused to ship it to us.

    So we warned him to make sure he backs up his files to his external hard drive, because when it eventually goes up completely (which it will), we will no longer be able to pull the files off before we format it.

    Fail # 1: refusing to ship back a dying laptop before it dies completely

    So this week the thing finally gave up the ghost completely, and he begrudgingly agrees to ship it to us. He's pissy when we tell him we can't pull the data off because THE THING IS COMPLETELY DEAD. We remind him that we warned him this would happen, and ask him when his last backup was? About a week ago. Well, that's not too bad. We wipe it, rebuild it, and ship it back.

    Fail # 2: getting pissy because things happened exactly the way we told you it would

    He gets his laptop, and calls us back in a rage, because his backup restore isn't working. It's refusing to read the data. So he has to ship us his external drive so we can figure out what the hell is wrong with it. When we plug it in, it starts making this horrible grinding noise. We tell him this. He knows, it's been doing that for about a month now.

    Fail # 3: not letting us know your external hard drive was making HORRIBLE GRINDING NOISES when a) you knew your laptop was dying, and b) you knew your external hard drive was your one and only backup

    So the data on the external drive is completely fubarred. We can't even recover older backups on the thing. Years of data, gone. He's FURIOUS with us for "losing his data".

    Fail # 4: trying to blame us for your previous fails

  • #2
    Please tell me

    Please tell me you sent these warnings in writing/e-mail and will forward copies to his manager if he tries to blame it all on you to upper management?


    • #3
      Yeah, I don't think we have everything in email, but we do have enough to clearly show that his data was lost through his own idiocy, not ours.

