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Today's ticket notes

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  • Today's ticket notes

    The ticket notes over the next 2 - 4 weeks are going to be used to determine whether I not I deserve a raise based on the increased workload now that I am the only full time IT staff person. Upper management thinks I should only be spending an hour to an hour and a half on issues each week.

    So, 90 minutes per week (maximum) over 5 days is 18 minutes per day. 15 minutes of that each day is devoted to clearing the spam filter and checking the wi fi network to make sure all of the access points are working properly (these were assigned as daily tasks for me, not my choice). That leaves me 3 minutes per day to devote to end user issues. Despite evidence to the contrary, this is the number they've settled on as 'acceptable'.

    Somehow, I fear they're going to mark me down as being 'ineffectual' or 'incompetent' rather than recognizing that being the only full time IT person adds major time and work to my plate. Thus, I am entering ridiculously long case notes to all my tickets to ensure they understand who is and is not competent.

    Ticket 1: Grill printer, <Tavern> printer, and <Pub> printer having intermittent problems. Instead of printing, tickets will print on their alternate print sites as if the printers were offline or broken. This has been occuring for approx. 5 days. They called about this problem in the middle of today's lunch rush when I could not take the equipment offline for testing.

    Referred to <3rd party support contractor> to see if this is a known issue, as it seems more than coincidence that the problem occurred right after the last software update. Will check equipment when I can coordinate a good time with the effected staff. Asked staff to report problems immediately so we can resolve them quickly.

    Ticket 1 Update: Received 2 other calls regarding these printers. Each staff member that called confirmed the problem has existed for approx. 4 - 5 days and they were aware of it for that period of time but did not call until today.

    Ticket 2: Credit card swipe on <Tavern> POS terminal not working. Asked <Dining Manager> if she followed the initial troubleshooting steps in their notebook to confirm that basic troubleshooting did not work. <Dining Manager> said they have no instructions in their blue notebook on how to fix this. Going to get the book and fix the problem using the instructions that <IT Contractor> put in their book. Resolved problem using instructions on page 1 of the notebook. Ticket closed - Gerrinson

    Ticket 3: <Executive Assistant> reports that she cannot access public folders in Outlook i.e. the management calendar she updates weekly. After a brief inspection, I noticed she had Outlook set to 'Work Offline'. Once connected to server she was able to access the necessary folders. <Executive Assistant> says she prefers to work offline and requests I adjust Outlook to work online only when she needs it to do so. I demonstrated how she can change the status herself, but she says it is "too difficult to remember all that." Informed her that was the only option as Outlook is unable to determine her intentions. Problem corrected, end user "not satisfied" with the only possible solutions, ticket closed - Gerrinson

    Do you think they would approve a purchase order for a flamethrower? Every IT department needs one on hand, right?

  • #2
    Quoth Gerrinson View Post
    Informed her that was the only option as Outlook is unable to determine her intentions.
    Microsoft Outlook: Now with ESP!
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


    • #3
      Problem corrected.
      End user "not satisfied" with the ONLY POSSIBLE SOLUTION.
      Ticket closed.

      This should be a rubber stamp Gerrinson.
      Last edited by sms001; 02-17-2009, 10:46 PM.


      • #4
        Quoth sms001 View Post
        Problem corrected.
        End user "not satisfied" with the ONLY POSSIBLE SOLUTION.
        Ticket closed.

        This should be a rubber stamp Gerrinson.
        QFT. I don't know how many unhappy campers I've made after telling them that their "Free Coupon Toolbar" is (1) full of spyware, (2) not approved software, and (3) will be removed. If I have to do it twice, I remove all rights for them to install anything on their login. IT or a site manager has to login to even run updates, but it beats running virus checks on the same few lackwits every week when their computer slows to a crawl.
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.


        • #5
          Reminds me of one of my (l)users.

          Called up complaining that her computer was slow and that she wanted a RAM upgrade. She got her sup to okay it.

          I looked at her computer and told her she didn't need an upgrade, she just needed to remove 3 OUT OF THE 4 WEATHER CHECKERS INSTALLED ON HER MACHINE. PLUS she had WEBSHOTS running.

          She said, no, she wanted the upgrade of ram. She didn't want to GET RID OF THE SPYWARE RIDDEN CRAP ON HER MACHINE.

          I was very unhappy installing 2gb of memory into her machine.
          SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
          SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


          • #6
            It's known to bundle some not nice things on your computer.

            Depending on how often you have it to change your background, you're using up broadband and memory.

            No, it in of it's self isn't horrible, but adding it to the crap the luser already had installed made it the icing on a very very bad cake.
            SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
            SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


            • #7
              Like I said, unless you're running some other stuff, like FOUR WEATHER CHECKERS, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I personally don't like it. I'll let some of the other techies chime in.
              SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
              SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


              • #8
                Quoth technical.angel View Post
                I looked at her computer and told her she didn't need an upgrade, she just needed to remove 3 OUT OF THE 4 WEATHER CHECKERS INSTALLED ON HER MACHINE. PLUS she had WEBSHOTS running.

                She said, no, she wanted the upgrade of ram. She didn't want to GET RID OF THE SPYWARE RIDDEN CRAP ON HER MACHINE.

                I was very unhappy installing 2gb of memory into her machine.
                While Webshots may slow the machine down, I've not found instances of spyware on my sisters computer being caused by it, but I may have missed something. She insists on running it too. She now scans on a regular basis...

                IMO, You went too far. Should have just reported the spyware and UNAUTHORIZED software on the company computer, and told them they needed to be removed. Done so, and instructed the (l)user to avoid installing them again.

                I cannot believe that your company doesn't have policy regarding non-standard software on company computers, manager or no.

                Eric the Grey
                In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


                • #9
                  Quoth Eric the Grey View Post
                  Should have just reported the spyware and UNAUTHORIZED software on the company computer, and told them they needed to be removed. Done so, and instructed the (l)user to avoid installing them again.

                  I cannot believe that your company doesn't have policy regarding non-standard software on company computers, manager or no.
                  She's not at a company. She's at a Uni. Very different rules. Politics gets taken to a whole new level in that environment.
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #10

                    Right now, I'm trying to push a policy of who may use university provided laptops. If I have to reformat another laptop cause Jr got on it..., I WILL go stark raving mad..
                    SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
                    SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


                    • #11
                      Quoth technical.angel View Post

                      Right now, I'm trying to push a policy of who may use university provided laptops. If I have to reformat another laptop cause Jr got on it..., I WILL go stark raving mad..
                      I had one (l)user whine that they got limited rights after we upgraded from Mac OS 9 to Win XP/Server 2003. Eventually they dragged me into a meeting with all the heads of depts/committees, etc of this NFP and I was forced to give them admin rights.

                      I made sure (in writing) that any issues as a result of (l)user getting Admin rights would result in their account being locked and anyone else who lets (l)user use ther account would loose access also.

                      About two weeks later (l)user begins to have trouble getting on lie and a slow internet connection. They downloaded every piece of spyware possible and also put in on the server. I ended up reformatting their PC and spent two days getting crap off the server. They got their own "special" rights when I was done, they got internet, word, excel, PP, and the custom apps we use. Everything else pretty much required Admin rights to use/do.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gerrinson View Post
                        Do you think they would approve a purchase order for a flamethrower? Every IT department needs one on hand, right?
                        Nah, You'd never get accounting to sign off on it out of fear it would be used on them. Of course they're right, but we can't let them know that.
                        I AM the evil bastard!
                        A+ Certified IT Technician


                        • #13
                          Quoth lordlundar View Post
                          Nah, You'd never get accounting to sign off on it out of fear it would be used on them. Of course they're right, but we can't let them know that.
                          I don't have that problem here. See, I work in accounting too.

