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just a short rant

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  • just a short rant

    a little background before i start venting. i work for the company Ross parot started years ago, my desk supports an airline that had alot of money troubles years ago. alot of the support for this airline has been outsourced on multiple levels to different companies and countries. please note that my rant is not griping about the fact that its outsourced nor this persons country of origin. i wasn't sure whether to put this under cursing out coworkers or here, cause its kinda both./background

    took a call yesterday that was (what i thought) a rather simple fix, but affected several people in our world hq. had 3 users out of 15 getting network cable unpluged errors. now we had a pretty bad virus infection last week and some ports were killed on the hubs for saftey sake. so i sent a ticket explaining that we had 3 users getting this error, that we had tried 3 good cables on the workstaitons, and the types of workstations. (2 desktops and 1 laptop) gave ip addresses for the cubes and happily sent the ticket over to our GNOC group. everything should have been fine, right?

    4 hrs after i sent the ticket i get an instant message from one of our outsourced gnoc agents. asking for a destination ip and tracert. while i found this request kind of silly i did them anyway. i gave him the ip address for our main Exchange server and tracert to the users pc from mine, and notated the ticket with such.
    now this is where it turns weird. he then ims me stating that he thinks that the server is down and gives me the ip address for one of the workstations that was provided in the ticket. i had to explain that 1.) that was a workstation ip and 2.) if the server i gave him was down all of the email would be down and my phone would be blowing up with calls. (at the time it was dead) he seemed to realize his error and left me alone for about 20 min... when he asked if i knew where the location was and provided me with the address of the building along with the Super Airlines World Headquarters at the beginning of the address. im pretty reasonable, but this pissed me off. it was to the point that my lead thought i was doing his job. told me to go get a drink and took over my chat session, and layed into this guy. stopping just short of telling him to do his damn job.

    He left me alone the rest of the day, and im not in the office today to check the ticket, but in all honesty the ticket should have taken at most a couple hours to resolve, not all day. ill check the ticket when i get to the office tomorrow and update everyone. /rant
    This is a drama-free zone; violators will be slapped. -Irving Patrick Freleigh
    my blog:

  • #2
    Poor Steele. At least your lead took over and told him what's what.
    SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
    SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


    • #3
      as promised the results of the ticket. after my riveting conversation with the gnoc tech he did this, "send the tkt to <field tech> to physcially check out whats going on." once on site the tech figured it out and this was the close "residual call from 21709, troubleshoot and reseat blade in slot 9,". time opened? 2/17 10:48am cst, time closed? 2/18 10:56am cst. these are the special people i work with.
      This is a drama-free zone; violators will be slapped. -Irving Patrick Freleigh
      my blog:

