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Who's your favorite Little Rascal??

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  • Who's your favorite Little Rascal??

    I'm not making this up, A customer brought in his comptuer today and yeah it's not a big deal, but it was just funny. We booted up the computer and opened up a web browser to test it and low and behold a bunch of downloads popped up into queue to be downloaded (had some sort of download helper or download accelerator), but we saw the sites the files were downloading.. I am not kidding..

    *link deleted, thankyewverymuch* - R

    Yes, I understand the customer is a porn afficianado.. that's now obvious. However he brings his computers into us quite often for virus and spyware removal when the computer appears to be getting slower. So we appreciate the business he provides to us. ... Good thing he just brings in the Tower portion.. I'd hate to see what he left at home.

    And when you call the customer to let him know why his computer was hosed, can one say?

    "Well I found a bunch of tracking cookies and viruses that were pointing back to *deleted - thankyewverymuch - R*."

    You can bet there's going to be silence on the other end of that conversation.

    For God's sake people.. If you surf porn, Clear out your cookies, history, and finish your downloads before you bring it in to look at. We don't need to know this stuff about the customers we talk to on the phone.

    Now my biggest challenge today is going to be to keep a straight face when he stops back in to pick it up and drop off another computer. Especially when he dropped off this one he said "I'm having problems with my other computer, and It's going to be hard to be without a computer for a whole day."

    Ok.. I'm going to quit while I'm a head.... Imagine what you'd see under a blacklight... ok.. maybe not...
    Last edited by Rapscallion; 12-07-2006, 07:13 PM.
    So I tell the swamp donkey to sock it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and have her lick me yarbles! - Hooligan from the Movie Eurotrip.

  • #2
    Heh, been there. Bow bout this: I was working on my wife's friend's son's computer, cleaning out spyware and virii and such, when i shift the keyboard and out popped several open condom wrappers...after that i asked for a pair of rubber gloves before i started working again, and doubled the price of the repair.


    • #3
      Oh God, That's nasty... how horrible.. Should suggest the rubber glove thing, But I wonder if Customers see us wearing them if they'll put two and two together and not bring their PC's here. Wait a Minute.. It must be friday.. I just implied that customers were smart.. What the hell is wrong with me?
      So I tell the swamp donkey to sock it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and have her lick me yarbles! - Hooligan from the Movie Eurotrip.


      • #4
        "Ok.. I'm going to quit while I'm a head.... Imagine what you'd see under a blacklight... ok.. maybe not..."

        Ew! Ew! Ew!


        • #5
          Hey, save some of that bleach for me.... -.-
          DJ Particle


          • #6
            Quoth Spankmonkey View Post
            Oh God, That's nasty... how horrible.. Should suggest the rubber glove thing, But I wonder if Customers see us wearing them if they'll put two and two together and not bring their PC's here.
            Just tell customers who ask why you're wearing rubber gloves that you're wearing them to protect the computers from normal body oils on your hands....or to keep fingerprints off of the thingamagig so that the whatsit doesnt get fubared...


            • #7
              I feel ya on the rubber gloves. How many times has a customer handed me or the tech a phone, saying it didn't work, and only when we get it open and our hands and desk are sopping wet does the customer say "Oh yeah, my kid threw it in the toilet..."

              We now have a nice sized bottle of hand sanitizer on hand. I suggest getting some, and using it often.
              I may be free from retail, but the nightmares still linger.....


              • #8
                "Sir, OH&S regualations demand that I now immerse your computer/phone/whatever in bleach. It should only take a few minutes."
                I think, therefore I am. But I am micromanaged, therefore I am not.

