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Outlook Express issue

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  • Outlook Express issue

    I have always used OE to send my email.

    I have never had an issue.

    A few weeks ago, the night we had the little glitch on the board and I sent out my "Reemail" notice to the members, I began having an issue that keeps resurfacing every little while.

    That night, I sent out the first notice to the group, and there was no problem.

    When I tried to send another notice to let people know the problem was fixed, I kept getting an error telling me the message could not be sent because it was over the server limit.

    I started splitting it up, sending it to only one or two people at a time, and it worked OK, but then even that wouldn't work.
    It bounced back saying it was too large, even though it was only one sentence and was going to one person.

    I had the problem a few days later when I was forwarding a message to a family and friends in my address book.

    I called my service provider (Sympatico through Bell Canada) and I was told there was no problem with my account or the server, and the problem was that I am using OE to email.

    They tried to convince me that it was not compatible with Sympatico,and that I needed to buy MSN Premium, which was free to me for 3 months, and after that x number of dollars per month.

    I did not download the MSN Premium. They sent me a disk, but I have not installed it.

    I think their excuse is crap!!
    People have been using OE to send email for years, and thousands of people use it every day. Why would it suddenly develop an incompatibility?

    About two days ago, I tried to send a message, and one of my friends contacted me to ask if I had a trojan, because they had received it 12 times and couldn't open it. My sister and daughter said they got it several times but couldn't open it, either.
    The thing is, it was still sitting in my Outbox and did not show as even having been sent so I finally deleted it after that same error, "Cannot be sent because it exceeds server limit" came up several times.

    I use OE6.
    I use Firefox as a browser, but I still have IE on the computer, and I recently upgraded it to IE7. That was a while before the issues started, so I doubt they're related.

    I have Windows XP on the computer, and it's set up for wireless networking.

    Anyone ever heard of this? Any tricks you can think of?
    Am I resigned to paying the extra for MSN Premium?
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    Ree, the "incompatible with Sympatico" thing is pure bunk. Everyone I know on Sympatico uses OE for their main mail client. Unfortunately, our lovely India tech support centre is hit or miss. I got a good tech the other day, but he's the first decent one I've ever had

    It almost sounds like their buffer is looping and needs to be flushed and reset, but how you can get them to do that is beyond me Maybe someone has a better fix you can use from your own computer. It could also be that your OE isn't clearing the message out of the outbox once it's sent (in other words, it's not completing the send/receive routine)....

    HOwever, i am not a tech, so I'll shut up now.
    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


    • #3
      I don't use OE because it tends to send out attachments in a .dat format that can be a bit of a pain if others don't have OE.

      I personally recommend Thunderbird from Mozilla. But, it's probably a problem with your settings or the port you are using. It could be a problem with their servers, but it's really hard to say from this end. If it is a problem with your settings in OE, then switching to Thunderbird would resolve it as long as the settings were different between the two. If the problem is with their servers, then the problem will not be resolved by you switching email clients. It's hard to say.

      But the whole problem with OE and Sympatico being not compatible does sound like bull. Try researching on Google to see if you can come up with anything.
      Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
      Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
      The Office


      • #4
        I did receive one email from you about twelve times, but as soon as it downloaded the dozen or so times it conglomerated into one (bizarre!). I only mention it because you talked about it up there and it sparked a memory.



        • #5
          Quoth Shabo View Post
          I don't use OE because it tends to send out attachments in a .dat format that can be a bit of a pain if others don't have OE.
          I'm pretty sure you can set it not to do that.... I send stuff to my boyfriend's yahoo account (and my own) all the time, and I've never had trouble getting the attachments.
          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


          • #6
            Quoth Rapscallion View Post
            I only mention it because you talked about it up there and it sparked a memory.
            Yeah, and I had this issue on Sunday when you sent me a message with some image attachments.

            When I hit reply, I got the error and it sat in my Outbox. When I hit reply and edited the message to remove your text and attachments, I still got the error, and it sat in the Outbox.
            When I created a brand new message and sent it, then it went through fine.
            Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

