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Nero 7 questions

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  • Nero 7 questions

    when I bought my PC in Jan I purchased Nero 7 Ultra with the intention of getting a USB type audio input device so I could digitize all of my records (12 inch LP ) and cassettes to either MP3 or directly onto CD. I recently purchased an ADS Tech USB Audio Codex box. life is good so far. first off I did check Nero's website and followed the FAQ instructions for what is below. and yes I have made sure that all of the Nero programs are up to date

    I fire up Nero and use the SoundTrax program to download a test cassette into an audio file (Nero's .AC3 file)

    first problem when I try to use the digital monitoring feature no sound from my speakers. check the sound settings in Control Panel. they are correct accourding to the ADS instructions. play around a bit and find that if I have Nero ShowTime (music/DVD/video player) open I can get sound. OK not too bad but not as per what I expected and what was in the instructions both in the ADSTech box and Nero

    Second problem is the most frustrating. I get the cassette dubbed into my computer, using the provided wizard tape to CD, go thru the steps to lower noise level, let the wizard automatically split up the songs into individual tacks as per instructions and burn a test CD. the songs are split up wrong. there is a apporx 30 second lag between the split I see on the screen and the ACTUAL split on the CD. OK maybe I did something wrong. go back and re-dub the cassette and do not burn the CD right away. get into SoundTrax and look at the file. the auto track splits seem to be in the right place (each track is in a different color and playing the file verifies this to an extent. burn another CD. the tracks are still split wrong -- about 30 seconds too soon meaning the track split is about 30 seconds BEFORE the end of the song and nowhere near the generated/visual split marker

    Now rather than keep wasting CD-R's I use a CD-RW. I re-dub the cassette with the wizard but do not let the program auto split the individual tracks and do not burn a CD immediately. SoundTrax gives me one big long audio file file. I adjust the settings so the sound wave display give me enough detail that I can determine where the space between songs is. I manually insert track splits inside soundtrax and dump to CD-RW. again playing the file on my PC and the CD result in the same thing again the split is approx 30 seconds early.

    Now I try to use Nero Wave Editor to manually insert track splits into the AC3 file and save as individual files and try to paste/insert them

    NADA Nothing is going right. I this something I am doing wrong or am I doing things in the wrong sequence or what???????

    any hints????

    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

  • #2
    Honestly, I don't know Nero at all. To me, this sounds like an exercise in frustration. What *I* would do is to take the seriously long .AC3 file (even better if you can get it as a .WAV), load that into Audacity, and use Audacity to split into multiple tracks.

    While I don't know Audacity very well either, I do know I've done that sort of work using it, and it was pretty easy (or so it seemed to me).


    • #3
      Or, you know, try putting the mark for the splits 30 seconds after where they're supposed to be?
      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


      • #4
        Manually stop the stream between each song and record/burn them as several seperate files?
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.


        • #5
          Geek King is right. Manually stop the stream and save each individual file at the highest kbs rate you can (if its an MP3 it will be 320kbs if you can save it as a WAV file you should be able to go loseless on it (no compression with the WAV versus the MP3). Then just using any audio editor clip off the back end of the track to where the end of the song should be.

          Its not fast and easy, but it will give you the best quality results. Also if you are intending on using them as MP3 type files eventually you can "tag" them with the appropriate information. Easy enough to do in nero as well.

          I've done this in the past with normal audio, stuff like voice, meetings, etc. And just used a normal 1/8" stereo patch cable to go from the head phone jack on the reciever to the input jack on the sound card.
          My Karma ran over your dogma.


          • #6
            don't mean to bump this thread but.......

            thanks for all of the suggestions.

            I managed to FINALLY get the last update file for Nero 7 (174M in ONE FRIGGIN file). that solved a few of my problems I now have sound inside Nero and I have been chuncking up the one large file into many track/band files via WaveEditor and saving the large file as many small files and then just inserting each individual track one right after the other and burning to CD
            I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
            -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

            "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

