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Useful free apps - post your picks

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  • #31
    Quoth Blade_Raver View Post
    Like streaming audio but hate windows media player?

    WinAmp -

    Been using it for 12+ years. Great for listening to ShoutCast streaming audio, mp3, wav, and other music formats. It'll even play .mod/.xm/.s3m files for you old school music geeks out there
    Ha, ha! I'm still using a version that's at least that old! It doesn't have all the toys the newer versions do, but it handles all my MP3s and uses almost no resources at all.


    • #32
      Harddisks come only in one size: Too Small! To find out where all the diskspace went , I use this tool:
      TreeSize free
      The free version works on desktop versions of windows, for servers you need the pro version.
      No trees were killed in the posting of this message.

      However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.


      • #33
        Just performed a reinstall of Windows, and now have to install back all of your programs?

        Take a look at Ninite - you can install all of your favorite web browsers, media players, and other utilities without having to go through each install process.

        Bonus - you don't have to go through all the 'click next' or installation of other junk programs that usually come with the main installer.

        Second bonus - you can keep your programs updated just by running the small Ninite install file!

        They can't offer any of the Adobe programs, but I usually use Foxit or Sumatra for .pdf reading, and CutePDF for printing. For Flash, there's an Adobe site that still offers .msi install files, but sites are slowly going away from using any form of Flash.
        Last edited by RichS; 08-21-2016, 08:55 PM. Reason: Added some things...

