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Email Imap servers

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  • Email Imap servers

    I have my outlook stuff going to my iphone and to my computer (the emails need to go to my phone, that is a must have for me due to my custody case stuff)

    My problem is that outlook seems to HATE using the imap server (which im told is the only way to get 2 copies of an email, one on the PC and one on the phone). But outlook keeps giving me an error that its disconnected from the imap server, and i keep having to shut it down and re open it to download the messages.

    Sometimes it will work on, but then i have to flag messages to download fully (otherwise i cannot read them) and its hit or miss for downloading the full message.

    I recently upgraded from outlook 2003-2007 hoping this would solve the problem...but no dice

  • #2
    You actually have plenty of choices, but none of them are going to be exactly what you want (not through any means I know of).

    First: You can have as many copies of messages as you wish, even with POP3. The problem is that you have to tell the emails to be left on the POP3 server, and they are therefore likely to be downloaded repeatedly (not guaranteed, but likely).

    With IMAP, what's happening is that an IMAP server is actually storing the messages, and Outlook is doing quicker scans and summary downloads, then (when you want to read the whole message) downloading the whole message. Somewhere in Outlook will be settings where you can change how much of each message to download. Set it to something like 1M to download, and you'll get the entire email downloaded all the time except in very rare cases.

    Alternatively, you can switch to Thunderbird, which handles IMAP and POP3 very very well.

    Also, you can switch to gmail, even having gmail login to your POP3/IMAP server and retrieve all your emails. From there, you can set things up from gmail as a POP3/IMAP server, and point your iphone at gmail, as well as outlook or thunderbird.

    In the end, it's going to take some trying out different settings to find what works best for you. We can provide some guidance, but that's pretty much it, I think.


    • #3
      Outlook doesn't have any problems with IMAP. Check with your provider to make sure you have it setup the way they want it. If you are still having issues I would suspect a problem on their side or something in your antivirus/firewall may be causing it.

      If you want to use POP instead and get your messages in two places just tell the computer not to delete the messages off the POP server for a day. Open the account and go to more settings then the advanced tab and you will see the options under the deliver section. This way when Outlook checks the mail it will leave it on the server for the phone to get it too.


      • #4
        Is the computer Outlook having issues, or is it the Iphone...I think Iphones don't have a good email client (correct me)

        But I use IMAP with Gmail, and it works fine.
        In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
        She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


        • #5
          My Iphone email works FLAWLESSLY (except not being able to send emails without a wifi connection, but thats minor)

          According to telus i have it set up right, ill try tinkering and see what i can come up with, thanks for the suggestions.

