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Can I have a hug?

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  • #16
    sounds like some of my former customers.

    they would bring in old towers from 04 or earlier and try to get them to go faster.... only thing that will make them go faster is dropping them out of an airplane. cos sometimes the cost to update the old stuff is more than the cost of a new computer


    • #17
      Ug, I feel for you on the "raising the dead" XP install on an ancient PC. Hug offered.

      I wouldn't cry too much over the PS/2 mouse, though. Other than some issues if you have to unplug/replug the mouse while the PC is going, I've seen little difference between a PS/2 and a USB mouse, except maybe on high-end super-high resolution gaming mouses.

      (Yes, I still cling to mouses as correct plural for a computer mouse. Deal. )
      The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
      "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
      Hoc spatio locantur.


      • #18
        Quoth Geek King View Post
        (Yes, I still cling to mouses as correct plural for a computer mouse. Deal. )
        I seem to recall somewhere that when talking about computer equipment, "mouses" is the proper plural reference.

        I usually use "mice" myself though. "Mouses" just sounds weird to me.
        I AM the evil bastard!
        A+ Certified IT Technician


        • #19
          I'm lobbying for a change in computer terminology- from mouse to moose! I'm not entirely sure why. Seemed like a good idea at the time.


          • #20
            I feel your pain - I only JUST managed to get my Dad to buy a new computer - his old system was so old it ran Geoworks!!! He only used it to write up letters he then printed off and mailed to family members. He couldn't believe it when his new laptop (Win7) booted in less than a minute versus almost 10 for his old system!!!
            The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.


            • #21
              Quoth DeltaSierra View Post
              I feel your pain - I only JUST managed to get my Dad to buy a new computer - his old system was so old it ran Geoworks!!! He only used it to write up letters he then printed off and mailed to family members. He couldn't believe it when his new laptop (Win7) booted in less than a minute versus almost 10 for his old system!!!
              Oh My Fscking God.
              Still, reminds me of MY dad who'd NOT LET GO OF DIAL UP because "I'm grandfathered into a 10$/mo plan! It's CHEAP!" Then I showed him it takes 2 days to download XP SP2. (I had NO internet; I was at his place, otherwise would have done it with a faster get it).
              He kind of got the picture.
              But my dad doesn't even do email. He won't print and send letters. He'd call. If he wanted.
              Oh, and Dad won't sync any of his machines. He keeps contacts on one, but has to manually put them into the others.
              He's so damn cheap- instead of taking one of his lappys to a local service place (He's in AK, I'm in WA) he had someone take it down with them to me. As a favor. And I promptly said, "No, I'm not going to fix it." Don't get me started......
              In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
              She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


              • #22
                Over time, I think we get spoiled with speed and convenience. A few years back I was shopping with my then-girlfriend at Best Buy and seeing if they had a specific TV in stock. A sale sguy took us over to their computer that had only dial-up access. Just as the "beeeennnnn kcshhck BEEEENNNN" of the modem started I thought, "Ah, that takes me back..", but I felt bad for the sales staff since they only had a slow connection.

                I still miss some of the old games too. I had an older Apple Performa 6360 that it took years to pay off. It's horribly outdated, but I can still play the original Carmageddon on it, which I can't do on my current machine today.


                • #23
                  Quoth RichS View Post
                  Totally agree - I have an old Pentium III-based Dell that is running Win98SE that I keep as a retro games system, and it still runs great.

                  I know there's DOSBox and virtual machines, but there's nothing like running games on a system that it was made for.
                  That is probably one of the most stable computers in existence today!

                  BTW - and the OP client wanted XP on that?? Sheesh!!
                  Quote Dalesys:
                  ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

