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  • How this forum works

    Just a few things to note before posting in this forum:
    • Please post a warning if a link contains graphic images, adult content or language, or is not work or child-safe. (Adult content also includes any nude/porn banner ads, popups etc. on the webpage.)
    • Do a search before posting a link. You can do a keyword search or skim the posts first, but note that posting a duplicate thread will result in closure of the second thread.
      People who repeatedly post duplicates will receive warning, and possibly be barred from this forum.
    • As a courtesy, when you post a link, to help prevent duplicates and aid in a keyword search, please give a few details in your post that describes or recaps what is contained in the link. Sometimes, even with a search, the lack of details in the original post causes a search to turn up empty.
    • Do not post links to your own personal commercial sites. Non-profit personal sites are fine, but if you're making money from having our members click through, that's a no-no.
      Spam and other posting of advertisements for products or services, links to auctions (this does include links to your ebay auctions), affiliate links, links to promote websites, and so forth is not allowed. Links to your personal site that are posted more than once in a week's time frame are considered spam as well. If you are wishing to post a link for a charity event or something of that nature please post it in the Social Group created for that purpose here.
    • If you see a duplicate thread, report it. It does no good to post in the thread and tell the member. You have to tell a mod so it can be fixed.
    • Do not post links to controversial topics. If it's a fratching type topic, then it doesn't belong on this forum.

    Please keep in mind that these guidelines may change without notice at any time, so it's a good idea to check this thread on a regular basis.
    Last edited by Broomjockey; 09-19-2009, 01:04 AM. Reason: updated to reflect social group for charitable requests
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    Bumping this thread, since it seems a reminder is in order.
    I have had to edit 2 threads today that contained a link only, and very little in the way of a description.

    Please read the guidelines again and pay particular attention to the third one.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


    • #3
      Bumping this thread again, since it seems people are still not searching or posting details of the links to allow in a search.
      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


      • #4
        We're getting a number of comments about the amount of violent links and depressing tales to read and discuss. Part of the problem is that with the information in the title, there's no real avoiding stories that someone may wish to avoid. We don't want people to stop posting things that are of concern.

        As a courtesy to our fellow forumers, can we tone down the graphic thread titles and add a warning such as "[Warning - potentially disturbing content]" or something along those lines, please?



        • #5

          Once in a while, people will post a screamer in Check It Out. For those unaware, a screamer is a video that starts out innocently, but near the end will cut to a loud face and loud scream.

          Due to the fact that you're supposed to actually describe what the video you link to contains, the dangers for anyone wearing headphones receiving ear damage from the sudden scream, and the general distaste most people have for them, the mod team has decided that screamers are hereby banned from being posted on Customers Suck!

          Anyone who posts one will be subject to the normal penalties for breaking the rules.
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            Updated section rules to reflect Charitable Requests social group.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              Bumping this one because a reminder is needed about checking for duplicate topics before posting.

              It seems every time we get a really "hot" news item, we end up having to edit several duplicate threads.

              Quoth Ree View Post
              Just a few things to note before posting in this forum:
              • Do a search before posting a link. You can do a keyword search or skim the posts first, but note that posting a duplicate thread will result in closure of the second thread.
                People who repeatedly post duplicates will receive warning, and possibly be barred from this forum.
              • As a courtesy, when you post a link, to help prevent duplicates and aid in a keyword search, please give a few details in your post that describes or recaps what is contained in the link. Sometimes, even with a search, the lack of details in the original post causes a search to turn up empty.
              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


              • #8
                Hi guys. Please please PLEASE do a search before posting. Once again we're having edit multiple threads about the latest news.
                The report button - not just for decoration

