This is a game that I and a colleague came up with during a rare quiet moment.
Basically, one person posts an SC crime, and the next person comes up with a suitable punishment for the SC. It can be anything, from real life to fantasy, there are no restrictions, and in this game, no consequences for you!
However, the punishment must stick to the rules laid down for which means no death, no violence and no food tampering, so be creative! You can either post your reply as a story, or just as a full description.
Crime: An SC pushes to the front of the queue.
Punishment: The SC is made to stand in the corner for a pre-determined time; ten minutes for every customer they pushed in front of, so if they pushed past three customers, that's half an hour. At the end of the time, they may join the queue but at the back.
Now we can start!
Crime: An SC turns up to shop two minutes before closing time, grabbing a trolley.

Crime: An SC pushes to the front of the queue.
Punishment: The SC is made to stand in the corner for a pre-determined time; ten minutes for every customer they pushed in front of, so if they pushed past three customers, that's half an hour. At the end of the time, they may join the queue but at the back.
Now we can start!
Crime: An SC turns up to shop two minutes before closing time, grabbing a trolley.