Mrs. Uptight
We, the moderator staff of WeAreNotSheep.frm are going to reply to your request thusly:
As we are the largest Government Skullduggery exposure site on the SpammerWeb, it is not possible for us to remove an entire page of some 907,361 posts. That would not only help you, the free-press-suppressing government, but also assist in the repression of The People's right to information.
Sincerely hoping you all *&# off,
Josiah Webley
WeAreNotSheep.frm Moderator and IRS flunky
((After a few days contemplation I remembered it's a CUSTOMER complaint letter.))
CruiserWorld Magazine,
Recently, I would up losing my Barely Mobileson cruiser motorcycle because of impact-incurred damages, and am in the market for a new bike. I saw your mag in the grocery store where I buy my age-restricted beverages, and thought, "Hey, good place to look!" I am appalled. Your magazing says "Cruiser"World on the cover, but there are no cruisers for sale within its pages; nothing but aftermarket parts and apparel!
I demand you stop falsely advertising your magazine, and find me a new 2014 Barely Mobileson cruiser immediately!
Upset and Appalled,
Dr. Unk Ni Briated
We, the moderator staff of WeAreNotSheep.frm are going to reply to your request thusly:
As we are the largest Government Skullduggery exposure site on the SpammerWeb, it is not possible for us to remove an entire page of some 907,361 posts. That would not only help you, the free-press-suppressing government, but also assist in the repression of The People's right to information.
Sincerely hoping you all *&# off,
Josiah Webley
WeAreNotSheep.frm Moderator and IRS flunky
((After a few days contemplation I remembered it's a CUSTOMER complaint letter.))
CruiserWorld Magazine,
Recently, I would up losing my Barely Mobileson cruiser motorcycle because of impact-incurred damages, and am in the market for a new bike. I saw your mag in the grocery store where I buy my age-restricted beverages, and thought, "Hey, good place to look!" I am appalled. Your magazing says "Cruiser"World on the cover, but there are no cruisers for sale within its pages; nothing but aftermarket parts and apparel!
I demand you stop falsely advertising your magazine, and find me a new 2014 Barely Mobileson cruiser immediately!
Upset and Appalled,
Dr. Unk Ni Briated