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Halloween Havoc (IC)

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  • Pixilated
    Quoth Mytical View Post

    Cain chuckles "Well, yes there is much more to me then just the first werewolf. However, I will reveal what after our mission. I have a feeling we have eyes watching us."

    Astir nods "Me too. I have no issue saying that I too am a werewolf. With similar abilities to yours..though I might be stronger as I am a bit older."

    A knock on the door, and Astir opens the door. Livia is getting the impression that Cain does not change from his werewolf form that often. How he remains unseen is a neat trick.

    Astir comes back with an envelope. "It seems that the medal is on the move in an armored seems we might be a little late. Our foes are on the move."

    Cain curses. "That means that we are walking right into a trap. Yet, we can not let them keep that medal." He looks at Livia. "We will have to fight, and it will be messy. Are you ready?"
    "Very much so," says Livia, perhaps a bit more curtly than she intended. Perhaps the best that could be said by now was that she was resigned to the task at hand ... but she also thought that sure a trio of werewolves should be able to handle it. Especially as one was the First Werewolf.

    "What's the armored car's route?" she says. "And I suggest we split up and try to catch them in a pincer movement, rather than attacking in a solid bloc. It might help to keep them unbalanced, not knowing how many of us there are, for long enough for us to gain the advantage. What do you think?"

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  • Mytical

    Of course no answer is forthcoming from the silence around. Chances are the other generals or lieutenants can not use the item, so none will be coming for it. Getting it to headquarters should be very easy. However he got there, chances are that was the best way to return.


    Nomain follows her, but remains human. When you near the guards he starts calling after you. "Come back here you mangy mutt! I said get back here!!" Acting out of breath and exasperated. At first only a couple of guards check it out, not leaving their he amps it up a little. "You have to give that back, it isn't yours! The museum is going to kill me!"

    One of the guards approaches, and asks what is going on. "She somehow slipped inside, and grabbed..something! I don't know what it is, but she has it in her jaws! I have to catch her!" he pleads with the guard...and before long a couple of guards are chasing after you..thinking you an ordinary but mischievous dog ((People see what they want to see)). They are calling for you, trying to corner you and catch you.


    Ene leans forward and whispers something in your ear. ((Check your private mail )). Once done she leans back. "The Ankh is not far from here. Go claim it, then make haste back to headquarters. Me and Tut will take care of the ones following us. Take care though. Though none of our enemy block the way, the way to the Ankh is not unguarded." Her eyes has a great wisdom, but a great sorrow in them. "Do not weep for me. Mine is an old spirit, and as I have told you .. some of us can not truly parish from this earth. Go..go with great speed and haste. They are coming."

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  • Andara Bledin
    I nod seriously at Enestia's words.

    The Sphinx is known as one of the keepers of secrets, and if she plans to reveal something, it must be incredibly important.

    "I've had a lot of practice keeping secrets. I promise that I won't breathe a word of what you tell me until the time comes."

    I don't bother to ask what the sign is. If it's really that important, there shouldn't be any way that I could miss it. I'll just have to make sure that I don't underestimate it's importance.


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  • Kanalah

    Sunny shrugged. "First time on vacation, might as well enjoy it." She raised her head to sniff the air. "Something smells good, you wanna go check it out?"

    Without waiting for Nomain to respond, Sunny jogged across the square. Mid stride, she fell forward onto her hands, which had become paws. Her lithe body was covered with blonde fur and she wagged her tail with a big goofy puppy grin.

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  • Jay 2K Winger

    Rick lets out another troll-kin rage-bellow when he sees Hilda get stabbed by the frost sword. Even after Balbalor's chest collapses under Hilda's weight, he grabs up the fire-sword, heedless of the heat, and uses it to cut off the demon lord's head, just to be sure.

    Flinging the sword aside, Rick pulls Hilda's body off of Balbalor and then rolls him over, ripping the Axe free and brandishing it overhead, thumping his chest once more. "HEAVYWEIGHT! CHAMPION! OF THE WORLD!"

    Lowering the Axe, Rick breathes heavily, and then works to calm himself, dwindling in size, the warts receding, the excess hair falling off. He trudges back out of the wrecked monastery, collapsing into a sitting position. "Well," he says to the empty air. "Now what?"

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  • Mytical

    Hilda follows up by jumping on him, and taking both hands clasped into one huge fist, starts pounding on him over and over roaring. Balbalor manages to barely recover enough to grab the frost sword and stab her, but it is clear he is all but done for. His face is almost caved in as Hilda collapses on top of him..her rage flowing out of her like her trollish blood. Balbalor collapses under her weight, and all goes silent. Balbalors chest collapses under the enormous girth...with a sickening crunch.

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  • Jay 2K Winger

    When Jason is bisected by the fire sword, both troll-kin roar in fury, facing the remaining Balor, who Rick guesses to be: "Balbalor." The name is growled.

    "You summon your minions," Rick declares, "over our dead bodies."

    "Yes," Balbalor agrees. "That's the idea."

    Rick gave a booming "BAH!" at this, turned, grabbed one of the chunks of floor that Jay had ripped up earlier, spun, and hurled it at Balbalor's head. As expected, the demon lord deflected it with his fiery sword, which meant it was out of position when Rick's fist came in a split-second later to impact with Balbalor's solar plexus. Moving with inhuman speed, Rick then swung his other arm into the crook of the demon lord's knee, levering Balbalor's foot off the floor before upending him, sending him crashing onto his back.

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  • Mytical

    Jay is celebrating with the others, and then..he is split down the middle with a blade that is alit by fire. Behind him is a smaller Balor (at least smaller then the ones they had just faced) with two swords, and on its back is an Axe. "Why it is right here, where it belongs." It sneers. "Where it will remain, after I destroy the both of you." One sword is of fire, the other of ice. "It will allow me to open the gate and call forth all my minions."

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  • Jay 2K Winger

    The rest of the fight against the Balor did not go the way the demons were expecting. Between Hilda casually shrugging off their fire attacks, Jason distracting them by tearing up chunks of the floor and throwing it at them, and Rick literally tearing the frost-wielding demons apart, soon all six of the winged demons lay dead or dying around them.

    Rick stands on the back of the last Balor felled, crushing its wings in his massive hands as he plants a foot on the back of its head. With a roar, he simultaneously rips its wings off and crushes its head into the floor with a vicious stomp. Tossing aside the wings, he thumps his chest and releases a triumphant trollish bellow, echoed by the other two troll-kin.

    Snorting and breathing heavily, Rick turns to Jason. "Where Axe?" he questions, beginning to remember why they're here.

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  • Mytical

    Cain chuckles "Well, yes there is much more to me then just the first werewolf. However, I will reveal what after our mission. I have a feeling we have eyes watching us."

    Astir nods "Me too. I have no issue saying that I too am a werewolf. With similar abilities to yours..though I might be stronger as I am a bit older."

    A knock on the door, and Astir opens the door. Livia is getting the impression that Cain does not change from his werewolf form that often. How he remains unseen is a neat trick.

    Astir comes back with an envelope. "It seems that the medal is on the move in an armored seems we might be a little late. Our foes are on the move."

    Cain curses. "That means that we are walking right into a trap. Yet, we can not let them keep that medal." He looks at Livia. "We will have to fight, and it will be messy. Are you ready?"


    Enestia nods "We are headed to the Pyramid, but I must tell you something. Something you must keep to yourself, until you know for a fact that it is time to reveal it. Promise me, what I am about to tell will keep this secret until you receive the sign."


    Nomain chuckles "Big enough to draw attention, but nothing that will get you arrested."


    Lloth hisses and throws down the scythe. "I told the fool that my way would be much more efficient." She transforms into a half spider, half female..that is about 20' tall. She is HUGE. She jumps and bite into Lema..quickly poisoning her. However, Lema tears into her also..and wraps her up. Lema manages to tear her apart before dying herself. Silence falls....the other spider demons vanish in foul puffs. Reggie is left alone with a dead Lloth, a dead Lema, and a Krisss turned to stone...

    St Peter Basilica

    Arisa makes it to the Basilica, as the cross seems a lot lighter then she would have expected. Though it is unwieldy, it is about half as heavy as it should be for the size. Still heavy, just not as heavy as it should be. When she arrives, in her mind she hears a voice. "My child, make your way back to the headquarters with the cross. We will not be joining you. I am afraid neither of us have made it. This is the last time I will be able to contact you, I set this up in case things went bad. At least you do not have to find the pope and claim sanctuary. Travel only during the day, when the demons are weakest. Find places to hide during the night. You must get that cross to headquarters at all costs."


    Ethel pats Kaylns hands. "Leave that to me deary. Our travel to our destination will not take long at all." She cackles, and transforms. Her hair becomes almost strawlike in nature, she hunches over a little more, and her nose becomes longer with a wart on the end. "Magic is sort of my specialty." Ethel reveals herself to be a Witch ((Note to others. Not Wiccan, Witch. The broom riding, black cat familiar having type of witch.)) She takes Kaylns and Van Helsing's hand. "Bat wing stew and by rats matted hair, give us a way to take us there!" A small Tornado appears inside the headquarters, sweeps up the trio, and leaving a wake of strewn papers and overturned furniture sweeps them off.

    Inside the tornado it is not uncomfortable, though very..windy. By the time it sets down outside Salem Mass..Kaylns, Ethels, and Van Helsings hair look like they have just woken up from a horrible nightmare that had caused them to toss and turn all night.

    Van Helsing mutters "I hate traveling that way, but I got to admit, it is much faster then any other means we can travel." He turns to Kayln. "The object of our quest is in the Salem witchtrial museum. Me and Ethel will cause a distraction, you sweep in and grab the chalice and meet us here. Try not to reveal what we are, but speed beats all. If you must transform, do so. We no longer have time for niceness."
    Last edited by Mytical; 10-31-2012, 06:23 PM.

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  • Elspeth
    Kayln's head was swimming. So much information. Well glad I packed for a trip. When will be leaving and how will we get there?

    And she thought to herself, I wonder what Ethel is, she seems like a grandmother that should be spoiling her grandkids and baking, not fighting the ultimate evil.

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  • jedimaster91
    Quoth Mytical View Post
    Vatican City

    Mina hisses "It's a trap! Stealth is out of the window. My husband, let us show them why we have the reputation we do!" She transforms into her 'Vampire' form, all pretense out the window. Somehow she seems bigger then she was.

    Dracule nods "Arisa, the target remains the same..we will cover you..get that to safety!" He transforms also, and also seems much larger then life. His movements are almost impossible to track as he charges into the people..who are transforming into the demons they actually are. He and Mina look like they have things handled..except a couple of demons heading straight for the cross.
    Vatican City

    Arisa froze. Knowing vampires, demons, mummies, and other monsters existed was one thing. Actually seeing it was quite another.

    "Arisa, move!" Dracula bellowed above the sounds of battle. He and Mina were tearing through the demons like tissue paper, but both were too far away to protect the cross. She locked gazes with Dracula for just a moment, but that was all it took. Arisa felt something snap within her as her emergency response reflexes kicked into gear and she was diving for the case. Or rather, the pair of demons trying to get to it before her.

    Without even thinking about it, she felt her physical form start to change. Great, leathery wings the color of moonlight stretched from her back and connected to her ankles. Her feet and hands formed talons which she intended to put to good use momentarily. She had to hand it to whomever had constructed this building; the high ceiling gave her the altitude she needed to execute a screaming dive into the first demon. It went crashing into the glass case, shattering it. Well, that solves that, she thought. Arisa pounced on the second demon, sinking her fangs deep into its neck. The taste of demon's blood was acrid and bitter on her tongue, but strangely rejuvenating. It awakened the primal nature buried deep within her. She tossed the corpse aside once it was sufficiently drained.

    More and more of the demons were coming. As impressive as Dracula and Mina were as a team, they were still only two against the hordes. Arisa bared her fangs and spread her wings to make herself look larger than she was. The demons chittered among themselves, clearly not impressed. A few of them tried to get past her to claim the cross for themselves only to be shredded by Arisa's talons.

    She realized even with her new-found strength and powers, the odds were decidedly not in her favor. As more demons clustered and prepared to charge, Arisa grabbed one end of the cross and swung with all her might. There was a satisfying crunch as it collided with the knot of demons.

    Dracula was right: she had to get that cross out of here. She caught his eye for a brief second and he gave a curt nod. But not before he flashed her a proud smile. As soon as there was an opening, Arisa grabbed the cross in her talons and took off for a high, stained glass window. Precious artifact as it was, the cross was a blunt object. And blunt objects were perfect for smashing windows.

    Arisa tore for the open sky. The first blush of dawn was glowing in the distance and she knew she couldn't keep this form much longer. She wanted to put as many miles between her and the demons as possible before then. She flew until she could feel the burn of the first rays of sunlight on her skin. Cautiously, she set down in the gardens and shifted back into her human form.

    Trembling, she hid the cross in a particularly thick copse of trees and sat down next to it. There was no way she would be able to keep a cross this big and recognizable hidden for long in daylight. And now that the sun was up, she was confined to her human form which was much less durable than the bat form she'd just learned how to use. Hopefully if she was limited in daylight, so were the demons. Then there was the matter of being separated from Dracula and Mina. While she was sure they were fine, a part of her worried for their safety. She didn't know who Orcus was and likely wouldn't have recognized him if he'd been there. Had he been? And if so, did he know she'd gotten away with the cross? Would he now be hunting her? How long should she wait before this qualified as "something going wrong" and find the Pope?

    She pulled a rumpled tourist map from her bodice and studied it trying to get her bearings. Thankfully, Vatican City wasn't very large, so St Peter's Basilica was never far. It seemed as good a place as any to start. If she stuck to cover as much as possible, she just might make it by mid morning. Warily, she eyed the cross. Dragging that blasted thing around was going to slow her down. Not to mention make her the biggest target for the underworld. But it couldn't be helped. Arisa settled the cross on her shoulders and started in the direction of the Basilica hoping somehow Dracula would find her before Orcus did.

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  • Ironclad Alibi
    Quoth Mytical;1091822[B
    Outside Rome[/B]

    Before Reggie or the other two can blink she has out a mirror, and Krisss suddenly is made of stone. Chuckling, she draws a scythe made of fire. "Come my little flies, my web is nice and cozy." She seems very adept at using that weapon, swinging it effortlessly in slow circling arcs.
    Lloth swings her scythe at Lema, cutting off a head, which is immediately replaced by two more. Reggie grabs a spider, infects it, and throws it at Lloth’s head while commanding it to hold on tight. The spider gasps Lloth’s head, momentarily blinding and disorienting her. As he ducks behind the stoned form of Krisss, Reggie tears off one arm and flings it at the scythe. His hand grabs the haft and starts jerking on it, causing Lloth to lose control of it as it starts to swing toward Reggie. The scythe rebounds off of Krisss and back towards Lloth. Lema moves toward Lloth and attacks.

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  • Kanalah
    Sunny looked to the Sasquatch. "Okay, how minor are we talking here?"

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  • Jay 2K Winger
    Rick swung around to glare at whomever pushed him away. The longer he let his trollish nature rule, the more of a berserker he became. But he recognized Hilda's usefulness in this, grinned toothily, and then leapt forward again, once again using the hapless Balor #1 as a launching pad, the force of his landing on and launching off the monster's shoulders driving it face-first into the floor as he cannoned into Balor #3, grabbing its frost-flamed whip (which it had been snapping at Hilda) in mid-air as he passed #3's head, looping the whip around its own throat.

    Using the whip-cum-garrote like a bridle, he swung the Balor's head into the nearest column, then jumped down its back, grabbing its wings and planting his feet into its spine as he roared a challenge and tore its wings off. As Balor #3 fell with a scream, Rick stomped his foot down on its spine with bone-crunching force, brandishing the severed wings triumphantly.

    "HEAVYWEIGHT!" he roared. "CHAMPION! OF THE WORLD!" He tossed the wings down, laced his fists together and brought them down with a skull-crushing hammerblow to Balor #3. He beckoned for the next frost-weaponed Balor to attack, grinning again. "COME AT ME, BRO," he chuckled deeply.

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