This forum is for our members to share their favorite jokes. The same guidelines apply here as in the other forums. Racial, religious, and political jokes aren't allowed, even if you claim to be "just joking." We also ask that you keep any vulgarity to a minimum, as in the other forums; but at the same time, some things in may be less acceptable than we would allow on the rest of the site, so read with caution
Just to be safe, anything posted to this forum by anyone other than a moderator or administrator will need to be approved by one of us, even if your posts are not subject to moderation in the other forums.
That being said, enjoy!
Just to be safe, anything posted to this forum by anyone other than a moderator or administrator will need to be approved by one of us, even if your posts are not subject to moderation in the other forums.
That being said, enjoy!
