(Note I am going to mention a kickstarter but this thread is not directly about that)
I discovered recently that Don Bluth has a kickstarter going to make a Dragon's Lair movie. I found it through nerdy means and was sad to see 6 days left and barely halfway to goal.
Having found this and being saddened by it I went to class. As I was waiting I was talking to some classmates about how I was saddened about Don Bluth's kickstarter wasn't able to get the traction it needed.
The classmates look at me funny and say "who's Don Bluth?"
oK I think to myself they might haven't seen those movies in awhile and don't know who made them.
So I say "You know, American Tale, The Secret of NIMH, All Dogs go to heaven"
Again blank stares. no please don't say it "never heard of them"

I just look at them sadly and say " My heart is sad for you. Those movies are awesome."
One girl in another class (I asked if they knew who Don Bluth was or knew his movies, one of them knew one and hated it) said "yeah I mostly only watched Disney movies"
To which I responded " you know that it was the competition with Don Bluth that we got the Disney renaissance right" again blank stares and "ow that's interesting"
There are future teachers who don't know Don Bluth!!!
I discovered recently that Don Bluth has a kickstarter going to make a Dragon's Lair movie. I found it through nerdy means and was sad to see 6 days left and barely halfway to goal.
Having found this and being saddened by it I went to class. As I was waiting I was talking to some classmates about how I was saddened about Don Bluth's kickstarter wasn't able to get the traction it needed.
The classmates look at me funny and say "who's Don Bluth?"
oK I think to myself they might haven't seen those movies in awhile and don't know who made them.
So I say "You know, American Tale, The Secret of NIMH, All Dogs go to heaven"
Again blank stares. no please don't say it "never heard of them"

I just look at them sadly and say " My heart is sad for you. Those movies are awesome."
One girl in another class (I asked if they knew who Don Bluth was or knew his movies, one of them knew one and hated it) said "yeah I mostly only watched Disney movies"
To which I responded " you know that it was the competition with Don Bluth that we got the Disney renaissance right" again blank stares and "ow that's interesting"
There are future teachers who don't know Don Bluth!!!