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Sad for humanity

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  • Sad for humanity

    (Note I am going to mention a kickstarter but this thread is not directly about that)

    I discovered recently that Don Bluth has a kickstarter going to make a Dragon's Lair movie. I found it through nerdy means and was sad to see 6 days left and barely halfway to goal.

    Having found this and being saddened by it I went to class. As I was waiting I was talking to some classmates about how I was saddened about Don Bluth's kickstarter wasn't able to get the traction it needed.

    The classmates look at me funny and say "who's Don Bluth?"

    oK I think to myself they might haven't seen those movies in awhile and don't know who made them.

    So I say "You know, American Tale, The Secret of NIMH, All Dogs go to heaven"

    Again blank stares. no please don't say it "never heard of them"


    I just look at them sadly and say " My heart is sad for you. Those movies are awesome."

    One girl in another class (I asked if they knew who Don Bluth was or knew his movies, one of them knew one and hated it) said "yeah I mostly only watched Disney movies"

    To which I responded " you know that it was the competition with Don Bluth that we got the Disney renaissance right" again blank stares and "ow that's interesting"

    There are future teachers who don't know Don Bluth!!!

  • #2
    I never heard of him


    • #3
      Have you heard of those move though?


      • #4
        You can never come back Charlie, you can never come back...
        I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
        In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


        • #5
          Quoth Tee View Post
          You can never come back Charlie, you can never come back...

          That movie broke my heart growing up. And scared the ever-loving crap out of me. The devil cats. Dear Lord, the devil cats.

          Think I may need to traumatize my boy now, lol.

          But I know why it's an issue. A lot of those students would've grown up in that time frame where DVD was coming out and all the VHS movies hadn't made it to DVD yet. So there's a big gap there. Just like my kid may not end up being exposed to some of the movies I grew up with because you can't buy 'em on DVD as you will (thank you Disney vault...grrr....)
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          • #6
            I thought Don Bluth had died? Shows just how much I've been paying attention....

            All Dogs Go To Heaven was one of my favorite movies as a kid. To the point where my parents had to, and I mean forcibly had to, hide the movie from me because I watched it probably four or five times a day. I think by the time I had gone through three or four VHS tapes they didn't get any more copies, I'd love to see the movie again.

            EDIT: Holy crap, I decided to look at his IMDB page and didn't realize [or probably did and haven't remembered] that he was an animation director for Pete's Dragon! Another favorite of mine from my childhood.
            Last edited by Android Kaeli; 11-20-2015, 12:53 AM.
            Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


            • #7
              Thumbelina and The Land Before Time where some of my favourites as a kid. Beauty and the Beast maybe my top childhood favorite but Don Bluth takes up most of the rest of the 10 even Rockadoodle.


              • #8
                Secret of NIMH was one of my favorites growing up.
                PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                • #9
                  Didn't recognize his name, but those movies are classics. Those future teachers need to be run over by the Giant Mouse of Minsk.
                  Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                  • #10
                    I have an unapologetic and unironic love of Titan AE and I watch Anastasia at least once every couple-a months. Also? Bluth was involved in the animating of my two most-favorite Disney movies: Robin Hood and The Rescuers.
                    "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)


                    • #11
                      Quoth firecat88 View Post
                      I have an unapologetic and unironic love of Titan AE.
                      Titan A.E. is one of those favorites. People who watch it are generally polarized: they either absolutely love it or absolutely hate it.

                      I can understand why too. Its a sci-fi story about the destruction of earth, the banishment of man-kind and trying to rebuild in the face of tremendous odds, mostly alien enemies and sabotage. Add to that three screenplay writers, two of which have very distenct styles that can bend to the surreal and fast talking (the writers are Ben Edlund, John August and Joss Whedon. Joss Whedon is Joss Whedon and John August wrote a lot of Tim Burton movies like Corpse Bride and Big Fish) with a director know for his use of dark imagery and story lines that push morality and social consciousnesses... and you can get something that young kids can't grasp on to.

                      Also before you IMDB what i just said about the writers remember this is an actual exchange in the movie:

                      Akima: You can't call a planet "Bob."

                      Cale: So now you're the boss. You're the King of Bob.

                      Akima: Can't we just call it "Earth"?

                      Cale: No one said you have to live on Bob.

                      Akima: I'm never calling it that.

                      If that isn't a classic Joss Whedon exchange I don't know what is.

                      Quoth wolfie View Post
                      Didn't recognize his name, but those movies are classics. Those future teachers need to be run over by the Giant Mouse of Minsk.
                      I asked other people through out the night (coming off like a Don Bluth postulate, put on this earth to spread the word and the glory that is the all mighty Don Bluth our lord and savior by the end of it) and have come to the conclusion that unless your super nerdy or really into pre CGI only animation and non disney animation, Don Bluth is not a name you tend to remember because most kids don't remember the names of the director or production companies just the big ones like Fox, or Warner Bros.
                      Last edited by Sliceanddice; 11-20-2015, 05:26 AM.


                      • #12
                        Since you mentioned Tim Burton, a little while ago one of my co-workers and I were having a discussion about movies coming out in the next year. Said I was excited about the new Alice in Wonderland movie coming out and that I hoped Tim Burton did a fantastic job with it like he did with the first one. Said co-worker asked, "Who's Tim Burton?"

                        After I picked my jaw up off the floor I had to ask if she seriously didn't know who he was. She didn't, I asked if she ever saw, or at least heard of, Sleepy Hollow, the 80's/early 90's Batman movies, Nightmare Before Christmas, Sweeny Todd, or the other Burton movies I could name off the top of my head. She said she's seen a couple of them but still didn't know that the director was the same, said she never paid attention to it since she didn't like the movies.
                        Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Sliceanddice View Post

                          Titan A.E. is one of those favorites. People who watch it are generally polarized: they either absolutely love it or absolutely hate it.

                          I can understand why too. Its a sci-fi story about the destruction of earth, the banishment of man-kind and trying to rebuild in the face of tremendous odds, mostly alien enemies and sabotage. Add to that three screenplay writers, two of which have very distenct styles that can bend to the surreal and fast talking (the writers are Ben Edlund, John August and Joss Whedon. Joss Whedon is Joss Whedon and John August wrote a lot of Tim Burton movies like Corpse Bride and Big Fish) with a director know for his use of dark imagery and story lines that push morality and social consciousnesses... and you can get something that young kids can't grasp on to.
                          I didn't know that. Pretty sure I was in the didn't like it camp as a kid; it and Treasure Planet were both no go's for my family. Maybe I'd like it now though.
                          My NaNo page

                          My author blog


                          • #14
                            Quoth Kheldarson View Post
                            it and Treasure Planet were both no go's for my family.
                            but MORPH!
                            Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                            • #15
                              Pop culture moves on regardless of how much we love it. I'm 36, I don't really expect millennials to know Rankin/Bass or Ralph Bakshi or Jim Henson's Creature Shop or what Popples are (my mom found mine in the attic, I was excited to show my son the 'secret'. He was unimpressed).

                              I have shown the 6-year-old all the seminal movies of my childhood, NIMH, Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal, the good Star Wars movies, The Neverending Story, and my all-time favorite for the past 33 years, The Last Unicorn. He likes them but his favorite right now is 'Home' (starring Rihanna!).

                              He's going to grow up and have his own memories and be appalled in 30 years when he finds a young person who doesn't know what Big Hero 6 is, or has never seen Pokemon or played Kirby games. Time moves on, that's just how it goes.

