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They're baa-ack...

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  • They're baa-ack...

    Now that I'm escaped from grocery hell, I think my writing muses(s) are returned. Not sure if it's the reduction in overall stress or the new work environment and presence of unusual foodstuffs (one of them has to be bribed with things most people would consider weird and/or gross...I saw blueberry sea salt chocolate today).

    Now, where's that thought-to-text program? (yes, I tend to think faster than I type) Starting to dust off some fragments I haven't touched in at least 5 years. How many of them are still viable remains to be seen...I did make some decent headway last night on a present-day Ghostbusters fanfic that's been dormant since 2012 (mainly fixing some of the plot holes and assorted issues that formed the last time I tried to resurrect it).
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

  • #2
    Kudos to you for getting a move on your writing! I was doing a bit of it years ago and keep thinking I should get back to it "when I get time." That, of course, is the oldest excuse in the book for doing nothing ...
    Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
    ~ Mr Hero


    • #3

      I'm glad you're getting your muse back. I'm working on getting mine back vis-a-vis lyrics. I have a notebook I carry around with me, but the muse hasn't struck lately.

      I have three or four pages (front and back) of various one-liners, verses, and ideas for songs, but nothing close to "complete".

      I'm reluctant to try to get a "collaborator". I asked a friend of mine if he wanted to collaborate once, but he said he didn't think he'd be any good at it.

      So I'm hoping the muse strikes me soon, too...
      Skilled programmers aren't cheap. Cheap programmers aren't skilled.


      • #4
        I had a collaborator on the fanfic I mentioned...each of us was supposed to work on different sections and try to stitch it together later (in hindsight, a Bad Idea on my part).

        She introduced a Mary Sue that hit nearly every topic on the litmus test, and then vanished with the sections she claimed to be working on. Ultimately that worked out as I was able to see exactly where and how the fic went off the rails and fix it (the 2004 version was the last time she had input, and most of her sections were reminiscent of "My Immortal" and equally painful to read).

        I just realized that way too many filenames are just (literally) "random weird #X"...really need to come up with a better naming convention.
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

