I just got a digital converter box for my analog TV and when it's connected the picture is clear. When I add the antenna to the set-up I can get all the channels so reception in general isn't a problem but the antenna is causing interference. Is there such thing as an RF modulator for an antenna? Or should I get a newer antenna? I did not have this problem with my old converter box.
Oh, haha--figured it out. Well, if this helps anyone, I was trying to figure out how I could run it through the DVD player to the TV because that can help. That didn't work but I decided to try the red, yellow, and white cable--whatever that's called--in the TV and the converter box and it's a perfect picture. I've never seen such good quality on my TV. The nice thing is that the box will record but I think I need to get some kind of memory stick or something. And it has an HDMI port but I'm not sure how to work that.
Oh, haha--figured it out. Well, if this helps anyone, I was trying to figure out how I could run it through the DVD player to the TV because that can help. That didn't work but I decided to try the red, yellow, and white cable--whatever that's called--in the TV and the converter box and it's a perfect picture. I've never seen such good quality on my TV. The nice thing is that the box will record but I think I need to get some kind of memory stick or something. And it has an HDMI port but I'm not sure how to work that.