Can't you lot keep your activities in my brain to waking hours?
This is what happens when I have too many reports and not enough time and crash at about 2am and I end up in Weird Dream World. All the CS gang were living and working together-we slept in a big dormitory and each person(like Sim characters) had a little box that popped up next to them with their username and details on. I started having a relationship with one of the CS girlies(you could tell this because when someone fancies you, the little jewel in their box turned from blue to purple-pink and they started levitating... ).This was creating arguments with one of the other girl (from what I can recall her name was something like ThranTheManager) because my beloved's brother had been a doctor and made some serious mistakes whilst treating Thran's cancer and killed her,which she blamed him for....
And having woken at 4am,cursing the lack of sleep and daylight I somehow(and this never happens) manage to return to my dream world. All the CSers had their job to do and me and my beloved ended up running this curious shop which was partly a candy store but then at the far end opened up to the end of an aquarium(we even had a big pool where nippers could stick their hands in and stroke the fish...) Didn't get too many customers but I got to spend a lot of time with my beloved, whose name I now found out to be something like Evie (I remember that as it was like the song which I sang to her in front of the fish petting pool. They remained unmoved...)
So now I am curious to what happens tonight-will I get together with Evie? Will Thran be unhappy? Will everyone else start turning pink and levitating? It's 2.41am and I'm just about to collapse into bed. Meet you there.
(PS Any of you lot who reckon all these dreams have some deep significant meaning, please decipher mine. To me,they just seem to tell me my brain does weird things when it's tired...

This is what happens when I have too many reports and not enough time and crash at about 2am and I end up in Weird Dream World. All the CS gang were living and working together-we slept in a big dormitory and each person(like Sim characters) had a little box that popped up next to them with their username and details on. I started having a relationship with one of the CS girlies(you could tell this because when someone fancies you, the little jewel in their box turned from blue to purple-pink and they started levitating... ).This was creating arguments with one of the other girl (from what I can recall her name was something like ThranTheManager) because my beloved's brother had been a doctor and made some serious mistakes whilst treating Thran's cancer and killed her,which she blamed him for....
And having woken at 4am,cursing the lack of sleep and daylight I somehow(and this never happens) manage to return to my dream world. All the CSers had their job to do and me and my beloved ended up running this curious shop which was partly a candy store but then at the far end opened up to the end of an aquarium(we even had a big pool where nippers could stick their hands in and stroke the fish...) Didn't get too many customers but I got to spend a lot of time with my beloved, whose name I now found out to be something like Evie (I remember that as it was like the song which I sang to her in front of the fish petting pool. They remained unmoved...)
So now I am curious to what happens tonight-will I get together with Evie? Will Thran be unhappy? Will everyone else start turning pink and levitating? It's 2.41am and I'm just about to collapse into bed. Meet you there.
(PS Any of you lot who reckon all these dreams have some deep significant meaning, please decipher mine. To me,they just seem to tell me my brain does weird things when it's tired...